
Timelessness, Wonder, Gratitude, Inquisitiveness, Awe, Beauty.

Realm: Physical

Archetype: The Innocent

Zodiac: Taurus

Crystal: Chrysolite

There are moments in life where we are captivated by beauty. It’s as if the world comes to a standstill when we are wrapt in awe. Time doesn’t exist in those nexus points. We enter a space between the notes. A pause between the inhale and exhale.

When a loved one says, “Look at the moon!”, we should stop whatever we are doing and gaze at it as though we are seeing it for the very first time. If we miss the opportunity to enjoy the riches of nature, we become stagnant and rigid. Nothing contains wonder anymore and it is taken for granted. All of the romance is sucked dry. This is a sorry state of affairs for anyone afflicted with the lack of appreciation. They are trapped in their own minds. “It’s just the moon, I’ve seen it before many times”, they say and forget to marvel at its grandeur. They forget to marvel at the people in their lives and appreciate them too.

A dulling effect takes place when we can’t acknowledge just how miraculous it is to be here together. We become like flotsam and jetsam on the tides. Detritus, wreckage, chaff and dross. We are fragmented because we have lost touch with our imagination. How did the moon get there? We could ask instead as we look skyward. To ponder the mystery of its majesty is going part-way to reconnecting to this vital inquisitiveness. Sometimes, it’s better not to ask any questions at all and to simply observe in silence.

Gazing at flowers can help to restore this sense of awe. Their natural geometries, sweet fragrances, soft petals and stunning arrays of colour can replenish us in unfathomable ways. They tantalise multiple faculties simultaneously. To grow them in our own gardens is a joy. Our hearts are our gardens and we must tend the soil with loving care. The vines and constricting weeds must be cut away to let the flowers bloom forth.

To appreciate something truly is to surrender to the moment. It’s an act of receptiveness. It’s where our surroundings come into full focus. We should cherish these fleeting instances and encourage ourselves to experience them more often because that is where the bliss of life resides.

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