Since the dawn of humankind, celestial beings of light have guided us on our journey of spiritual awakening. Across cultures and millennia, the sages speak of immortal masters who have transcended physical existence yet choose to remain as compassionate teachers, assisting our soul evolution from beyond the veil. While known by countless names throughout history, these enlightened figures are often called the Ascended Masters or the Great White Order. Dedicated to humanity’s spiritual progress, they reside in subtle planes and etheric retreats, available to all who seek communion through stillness, intuition and inner sight. Each one shines with unique divine qualities and virtues, acting as archetypes to awaken latent potentials within every human heart.

As archetypes of enlightenment, the Ascended Hosts beckon the divine potentials within every human heart. Their sublime states shine before us as the fruition of the spiritual path. In their light, the Earth is seen as a schoolroom for our transformation into godliness. The Ascended Masters’ selfless vow is to stay the course as compassionate teachers until every last person awakens to their true identity as eternal spirit. Though beyond the need for further experience, they remain focused on humanity’s spiritual progress and responsive to devotees who call upon their grace. Their teachings reveal the mechanics of existence while demonstrating qualities such as fearlessness, detachment, authenticity and transcendent love. As personal guides, they lead aspirants into direct experience of subtler realms and soul truth through silence, prayer, meditation and dedicated striving.

The Great White Order observes cosmic law and the unfolding Divine Plan from the spiritual city of Shamballa. Yet the heavenly abodes exist not in some distant utopia but woven into the fabric of everyday life. Each selfless deed, thought of love, act of service draws the golden strands nearer, manifesting Paradise on Earth. Their mission remains unchanged through every age – to flood the planes with light until ignorance is no more. As guide, initiator and ideal, the Ascended Masters lead us from the unreal to the real until wisdom dawns that these enlightened beings are none other than our own boundless Self. Their triumph is humanity’s awakening.

Mary Magdalene

Devoted wife, Jesus’s teacher and Christos emanation. Emits the Rose Ray of pure adoration and spiritual surrender. Her mystical heart awakens divine communion through meditation in the inner sanctum of spirit’s light. Love with devotion.

Christos | Sanctum | Awakens

Jesus (AKA J)

Golden Ray master, wayshower of the Essenes, guides to wisdom and healing. We walk the path of love and service to others by attuning to Christos’s light. Appears to adepts that seek him with white-gold luminosity. Understand the real message.

Healing | Wisdom | Message

Mother Mary

She radiates soothing motherly comfort and divine peace with her Baby Pink Ray. Her gentle, serene and nurturing presence lends calm amid life’s storms, inspiring trust in the grand benevolent plan. Know that it will work out in the end.

Gentle | Motherly | Comfort


High priest and magician eternally serving the One. The Order of Melchizedek’s leader. He emanates the Orange and Silver Rays unifying the mystical traditions transcending all deeply divisive dogmas with love. Find the golden thread.

Unifying | Mystical | Leader

Lord El Morya

Adept of the Blue Ray, trains aspirants in strength, courage and alignment with divine will. From the etheric citadel of Darjeeling, he forges souls with the power to stand firmly in truth regardless of earthly turmoil and instability. Speak out boldly.

Will | Power | Alignment

Lord Lanto

Oversees the Yellow Rays from the Grand Tetons, awakens Buddhic nature and Christ consciousness. Wisdom and direct contact with the Cosmic Mind beyond form and thought is gained by attuning to his loving presence. Open up to receive.

Benevolent | Buddhic | Mind

Paul the Venetian

This artist of the higher realms, tends the radiant Deep Pink Ray of love, beauty and the creative arts. Supernal light stimulating self-expression, devotion and appreciation for all that brings joy, harmony and radiance to life. Create with intention.

Higher | Creative | Joy

Serapis Bey

Guardian of the White Ray, assists aspirants in ascension rituals. Through the discipline and purity of his Order, based in Luxor, students prepare body, emotions and mind to hold the bright luminous light of divinity. Make diligent progress.

Diligent | Discipline | Ritual


Embodied archetype of healing, anchors the Emerald Green and Orange Rays in his etheric retreat over Crete. His verdant light gives wellness, revives the soul, and inspires seekers to hone holistic knowledge in service to all life. Prioritise self-care.

Holistic | Wellness | Revives

Lady Nada

Her retreat overlooks Winnipeg, infusing souls with the devotion, compassion and idealism of the Ruby, Purple and Golden Rays. Her grace evokes dedication to service and spiritual values expressing our intrinsic unity. Service to others is love.

Grace | Values | Devotion

Saint Germain

The alchemist of the sacred fire initiates adepts into the Violet Flame of transmutation and freedom. His violet light dissolves all that binds the soul, catalysing liberation into the infinite potentials of our divine destiny. Remove the chains.

Infinite | Liberation | Potentials


Embodiment of wisdom, insight and intuition. Radiates the Yellow and Golden Rays from his retreat in Kashmir. His keen discernment guides inner sight growth, direct spiritual perception independent from the limited human senses. Go inward to expand.

Insight | Growth | Perception

Djwal Khul

Known fondly as the Tibetan. The Yellow Ray emits esoteric wisdom from his remote ashram. Disciples worldwide receive telepathic transmissions unveiling the science of soul transformation and the mysteries of existence. Quiet the mind.

Telepathic | Mind | Science

White Eagle

Ancient spirit of Native peoples, imparts earth wisdom, reverence for all life, and the healing power of nature through the Purple and Gold Rays. His presence invokes simplicity, joy and inner quiet – the peace that passes intellect. Keeping it simple brings ease.

Simple | Quiet | Ease


Using the Golden Ray, he guides seekers to self-realisation and divine attunement. Revered for eternal youth, he inspires growth through the evolutionary power of divine love and higher consciousness alignment. Aim for the highest good.

Highest | Love | Attunement

Sanat Kumara

Linked to the Golden Ray, Sanat Kumara, Guardian of Earth, fosters spiritual evolution. His guidance supports individuals to overcome challenges, transcend limitations, and create alignment with their soul’s divine purpose. Persist with resilience.

Transcend | Alignment | Challenges

Lao Tze

Lao Tze, venerated sage of Taoism, is the storied scribe of the Tao Te Ching’s mystical verses. His teachings extol living in harmony with the Tao, embracing simplicity, flowing with existence’s natural rhythm. Feel the Earth’s heartbeat.

Embracing | Flowing | Rhythm

Lady Portia

Lady Portia, mistress of justice, is venerated for championing equilibrium and the violet flame—a transcendent energy abetting the purgation of adverse forces. She epitomises divine righteousness and grace. Cleanse yourself and feel refreshed.

Purgation | Energy | Cleanse


Merlin, venerated sage and seer, aided King Arthur. Some deem him myth, he truly existed. This mystical master magician can be summoned for guidance in meditation when magical works are required. Use your imagination to manifest miracles.

Manifest | Magical | Miracles

Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa graced the world with divine wisdom. His words bridged Eastern mysticism and Western yearning, creating a beacon of light. With a heart as expansive as the cosmos, he exemplified unity and empathy. Reach out in friendship.

Expansive | Empathy | Beacon
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