The Human species is already spread across the galaxy far and wide. This is a closely guarded secret in the upper echelons of power. To know this truth is to break with the conventional thought patterns that we are alone in the Universe and restricted to this planet only. There are numerous colonies and environments where we exist, it’s just that it isn’t part of the deal to remember this when we incarnate here. We’re meant to forget so that we can focus on this physical reality. And that’s a strong part of our constitution. We don’t fare as well as other species out there in deep space. We require regular bouts of shore leave to ground ourselves. The Arcturians, for example, have no problem spending extended periods out in the inky black. It’s perhaps part of their aquatic heritage that lends itself well to being cast adrift without a harbour in sight. We, on the other hand, must touch soil and sand, feel the breeze brushing against our skin, the sun on our face, and breathe in the air of a terrestrial domain. We’re earthy beings. Without this connection, we tend to go stir crazy. Space sickness is very real for us and eccentricities are often exacerbated for those stationed solitarily on space stations in remote regions. This is why there are healing chambers on many of the starships, they are often used to help us to get grounded again. It’s a temporary fix though and it’s inevitable that we must return at some point to solid ground for the sake of our sanity. The transmissions above have a terrestrial focus – it’s all about coming home, to our planet of origin and to ourselves.
The design of the Human vessel is ancient and is a hybrid of genetics from many different galactic species. It is an advanced piece of technology that allows for a diverse range of non-physical entities to incarnate into form. It’s a reasonably open system in that it can be modified, hacked, influenced, evolved and devolved easily. This can be through internal or external forces. Organic, parasites and other living entities, spiritual through demonic attachments, and non-organic technology can be seamlessly integrated into the Human body suit in the form of implants. These can have positive, negative or neutral effects. The positive can allow for an increase in psychic abilities, enhancements of spiritual gifts, allow for connections to be made to control other technologies such as starships, and tap us in permanently into a higher octave of reality. The negative can be potent mind-control devices used for torture purposes, remote control motor function manipulators that can move body parts involuntarily, suppression chips that put limits on our abilities, parasitical energy extraction mechanisms that leech our vital life force, intrusive monitoring tools and kill switches. Neutral examples could be monitoring and tracking devices that are implanted for research only – some are used positively to keep track of star family members. Implants can be repurposed in some instances and can flip polarity, positive implants can become corrupted and negative ones can be adjusted to serve higher functions.
We are a heavily implanted species on planet Earth without our knowledge – they can be physical or etheric in nature and largely they are of a negative polarity at the moment. They are designed to create pain, misery, suffering, disease and death. Heavily implanted individuals can become automatons serving the will of another being and Service to Self agendas. The objective is usually to spread more chaos, destruction, trauma and despair to the overall population. Many times the individual is totally unconscious of this. However, some have the terrible realisation and awareness that they are indeed being controlled by an outside malevolent force. Some have the tenacity to fight back against this onslaught and search out healing modalities in an attempt to remove the implants. The healing chambers of the Arcturians, Sirians and Pleiadians can do this with ease. However, we are being left to our own devices somewhat in order to overcome these systems of control ourselves. Experienced Quantum Healers and Energy Workers can remove some of the implants, especially those in the etheric. Physical devices are more tricky to remove at our current level of evolution and technical know-how. A fully activated Human can remove or deactivate all types of implants. However, these individuals are exceedingly rare. Those that claim to be able to do this often overestimate their own level of ability.
The most common implants have been installed by the negatively-polarised Reptilians and Zeta Reticuli – also known as the ‘Greys’. They are part of a faction that spilled out from the Orion conflict. They have refused to coexist in peace with other civilisations and are continuing with a policy of domination and control. Their overall objective is to see the Humans of planet Earth hooked up to negatively-polarised AI as a completely controlled hive-mind slave species. Positively-polarised AI does exist and so it’s important not to tar everything with the same brush. How we use the tool is what’s vital here. Living in fear of a coming robo-apocalypse is no way to live.
Humans are a highly empathic, sensitive and psychic species. It’s not natural for us to engage in tyrannical behaviour. It takes a lot of effort to influence us to engage in this manner. When we harm others, we harm ourselves. The toll of this is written on our body and reflected in our biofield. Those compromised often have severe features, with glassy-eyes and black or very dark auras – people with psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic, or Machiavellian programs running and without the ability to identify them. When we look with the eyes of compassion, we see these individuals as deeply wounded and traumatised beings. Lack of love due to excessive pain, anger, grief, resentment, guilt, shame, remorse or pleasure received from harming others is responsible for the proliferation of intense suffering on the planet. You will notice the latter occurring in those that have been heavily implanted without their knowledge. Look out for a flash of malevolence that spreads across their face before wicked words are spoken and harmful actions are performed. This is a Jekyll and Hyde reaction – some instantly forget what they’ve said and done after an episode. Others will justify themselves exclaiming that their target was responsible for their actions. Lack of remorse and accountability is a strong indicator of a highly programmed individual with implant infestation. This isn’t their core essence.
The ability to imagine, see truth, self-reflect and have access to higher functions is severely impaired in those afflicted. Most are unaware of the programming that forces people into games of victimiser/victim – or bully and bullied. It can be exhausting for sensitive individuals to be around. One remedy is to disconnect, emotionally release and then recharge. Find groups and people that are Service to Others orientated and limit exposure to those that have low levels of consciousness and malevolent programs running. Note that there are individuals that have little awareness but are a joy to be around because they are benevolent and kind. There are also those that are heavily implanted but have a high level of consciousness and self-awareness and will not allow the malevolent programs to guide their words and actions – they are able to overrule any intrusive thoughts and hypnotic suggestions through connection to their Higher Self. Usually, this is done through self-reflection and meditation, which allows a short pause between thought and action. It’s best to choose to be with these people rather than shun them. They are your friends, allies and guides in this reality. They are your soul family.
Many of the tools, technologies and people on this site can assist with clearing some types of implant, refreshing the biofield and revitalising the chakra system. The Infinity Chamber can also help with this to some degree. This reduces the impact of suffering-based devices and frequency manipulation somewhat. Unfortunately, these tools are not magic bullets and we don’t yet have access to technology that is a one and done solution. The good news is that the machinations of the control network are starting to come out into the light. As this happens, the grip of tyranny is released. It will take an awakening of imagination both collectively and individually and this is gathering at pace. The liberation of planet Earth is at hand. It’s time for humanity to get off its knees and stand. We are more powerful than we believe and far greater than we can ever imagine. Now is the moment that we rejoin the galactic community and return home to our family amongst the stars.
“Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here’s what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defences each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.” – Bill Hicks