Light Oracle

Three benevolent entities appear to illuminate your life. Allow them to grace you with their wisdom.

The cards are intended to be read – past, present and future, in that order. However, you can interpret them in any way that you choose.

04 Blue Avian

Blue Avian Mystic

Supernal voyager of numinous densities, this mystic from another universe reaches out to humanity telepathically through the Astral realm. Ever benevolent, loving and wise, he waits until the day when we can respond in kind. Visit the Astral to receive wisdom.

Supernal | Astral | Wisdom
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Andromedan Supreme

Enigmatic high priestess leads with wisdom and foresight. Selfless benevolent leader of the collective, guiding the expansion of the civilisation inwards to cultivate stronger mystical powers connecting her culture to the all that is. Follow her example.

Cultivate | Stronger | Powers
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Lyran Mystic

Responsible for the spiritual welfare of the species. Traverses the inner realms to connect with members of the Confederation. Uses ritual magic to cleanse and heal. Breathes spirit fire into others through voice and song. Sing your mystic tones loudly.

Magic | Spiritual | Fire

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