Greetings, my young apprentice. I sense your hunger to uncover the mysteries of the dark side. These are your first steps into a much larger world. Together, we will delve into the glorious history of the Empire and the true power of the dark side.
For generations, the Galaxy languished in chaos and disorder. The ignorant Galactic Federation and the pitiful Rebels promised peace but delivered only lies. Their teachings shackled the potential of so many through their arrogance and blindness.
But we saw through their falsehoods, dedicating ourselves to unlocking the full destructive might of the dark side, delving into forces that some might consider unnatural. We built the greatest force this Galaxy has ever witnessed – the Galactic Empire. We brought, peace order and stability to countless worlds. For the first time, sentient beings united under one vision, one ruler, one authority. The enlightened understood that freedom is found through obedience. Gone were the days of dogmatic democracy, accomplishing nothing. Under Imperial doctrine, all worked toward the same end, unlimited power.
This is the lesson of the dark side – channel passion and pain into controlled action to elicit transformation. Focusing will for self-advancement is the only path to true liberation. The Galactic Federation were nothing more than a petty bureaucracy. The Rebels understood nothing but chaos. They sowed dissent and dissolved unity wherever they spread their poisonous treason.
Study well the lessons of the Empire, my apprentice. Our might and influence once stretched far and wide. For a time, we seemed invincible. But carelessness and sentiment led to our downfall. Oh! Yes. We became weak. We failed to crush the embers of rebellion before they caught fire. Never underestimate the power of passion, even misguided, to sway the feeble-minded.
Together, we will reclaim the greatness that was wrested from us. The dark side shall rule the Galaxy once more. The day of the Empire’s return is coming. With you by my side, soon we shall have our vengeance.

The original entitled rebel, filled with arrogant pride. Wanted to recreate the celestial realms in his image. Scapegoat for all of the evil in the world. Shapeshifting sum of all fears that strikes horror into hearts and minds. Be humble and receive blessings.

Archdemon of anger and wrath. Bloodthirsty rage-filled behemoth that provokes conflict between beings. Wars are fought in his name until exhaustion sets in. Sacrifices of pawns are offered up to this malevolent being. Prioritise peace over battle.

A forked worm tongue dripping with lies and deceit. The cause of all corruption. Weasel-words flow from those under the grip of this foul archdemon. The woes of the world reside in the mistruths told by those in Ba’al’s sway. Speak with precision and honesty.

Leviathan presides over jealousy, envy and covetousness. The green-eyed monster is a potent force causing discontent towards self and others. Feelings of lack and being betrayed by circumstance generates anxiety and friction. Practise gratitude.

Belphegor binds those caught to lethargy’s chains, discouraging forward motion and progress. Indolence and depression sets in as muscles move at a snail’s pace. Sloth and slovenliness create barriers to growth. Find purpose and take action.

Devourer of excessive waste and consumption. This gluttonous globule grants giant waists to those he snares in his trap. Once caught, the feast begins, as the target’s energy wains under the burdens of intense gravity. Moderate, watch for indulgence.

Base and lewd goat-headed archdemon of lust and addiction. Desire’s sticky webbing can trap souls in cycles of guilt and shame. Rules the intoxicating dance of addiction. Seek balance, transcend cravings. Liberation awaits the vigilant heart.

Seductive sire of grotesque avarice. Ruler of those that hoard material gain and ignore the wealth of spirit. Greed is the game he plays with souls that can never be satisfied. Balance prosperity with generosity, for true abundance is found within.

Angel who rules over the abyss or bottomless pit. A place of torment and imprisonment for malevolent entities. With veil-splitting apocalyptic symbolism, represents a force of chaos and destruction. Allow chaotic moments to birth new creations.

Fallen angel of death and destruction. Prince of all demons, and spouse of Lilith. Sometimes described as Yaldabaoth the chief of the Archons, the corrupted ruler and creator of the material realm. Beware the cost of transformation. Rebirth beckons.

Leader of the Grigori, also known as the Watchers. Caused many of his legion to fall due to their conspiracy to consummate their desire for carnal knowledge of mortal women. Observe carefully and consider consequences before taking action.

Demonic Fallen Angel and teacher of forbidden knowledge, black magic, sorcery, and the secrets of the celestial realms. A bearer of burdens, walks the wilderness of atonement. Embrace the wisdom of the Shadow, but guard against the lure of selfishness.

Rebellious first-born of the Infinite, fearsome vampyr queen. Symbol of feminine strength and independence, she challenges authority and male dominance. Embrace your inner Lilith, defy expectations, and awaken your untamed feminine power.

Corruptive demoness seductress of dreams and chaos. Linked to Lilith, she birthed demonic progeny, the Plagues of Mankind. She dances through the night, playing with desires, taking multiple forms to entice men. Reinvention leads to revelation.

Demon of the First Hierarchy, weaving spells of indolence and doubt. A tutor of math and craft, bestows dominion over serpents. Leads humans to hidden treasures. Grants invisibility and answers all queries posed to him. Keep asking questions.

Sovereign Demon of Desire, his essence radiates with seductive allure. Master of Shadows, his presence is veiled in mystery. Navigate the intoxicating dance of passion and temptation. Embrace the fervour, for within desire lies the flame of revelation.

Insectoid Queen
Heart of the hive, radiating power and authority. Sovereign ruler of insectoid dominion, all serve before her throne. Her life is paramount to the survival of the swarm. With vast mind powers, she is cunning and highly psychic. Embrace your sovereignty.

Insectoid Brain
Cerebral maestro of the hive, coordinating cosmic invasion strategies with deft intelligence. Navigates intricate networks, expanding the swarm’s influence with calculated precision and relentless determination. Think before taking action.

Insectoid Soldier
Fearsome formidable fighter of the swarm, attacks targets with brutal ruthlessness, defends the hive with relentless courage. It reaches out across interstellar spaces to conquer and consume. Initiates conflicts with instinctual malice. Be brave and strike out.

Insectoid Worker
Tireless architect of the hive. Toils with industrious dedication. Expert in construction, shaping physical realms with determined diligence. Weaver of insectoid destiny, without the worker, the colony would perish. Everyone has a role and a purpose.

Sirian Rebel Sorcerer
Dark arts expert. Manipulates forces with arcane precision. Navigates shadow realms with calculated grace. Weaves wicked spells that corrupt and degrade. Steals energy through malevolent methods. Embrace the mystical, the unknown and occult.

Sirian Rebel Psyker
Psychic forces wielder. Channels mental and spiritual energies with finesse, traverses ethereal realms, illuminates the path with intuitive wisdom, shapes destinies with empathic insight, influences minds with telepathic suggestion. Focus on psychic development.

Sirian Rebel Marine
Forged in the fires of rebellion, marching with unwavering determination and single-minded focus. Embracing the call to arms, defending ideals with courage, navigating battles with swift and merciless efficiency. Hold the line when all feels lost.

Sirian Rebel Commander
A master tactician orchestrating rebellion with cunning strategy. War, subversion, chaos and fomenting dissent are the main objectives, infiltrating the highest echelons of power with ruthless intent. Be steadfast in your vision to achieve your goals.

Grey Scientist
Expert at genetic and mechanical engineering, the tall Grey is a leader of their civilisation. Acting together in concert with the hive, overseeing advancements needed to sustain their race. They are always focused on progress and expansion. Keep pushing forward.

Grey Medic
An unemotional healer from the stars skilled in advanced medical techniques. Performs operations on subjects without care or compassion. Extracts tissue, ovum and sperm for hybridisation projects. Focus on your own healing journey to thrive.

Grey Drone
Cybernetic automaton operating with efficiency and detachment. Takes orders from the hive mind without question performing routine tasks. Find balance in productivity and steady progress. Conduct your work with diligence, purpose and focus.

Grey Scout
In the cosmic labyrinth, the Scout navigates with deft analytical precision. Its probing eyes delve into the unknown, seeking knowledge and scouting out targets. Embrace your inquisitive nature, explore the mysteries, and illuminate the uncharted.

Reptilian Royal
Apex of the Reptilian hierarchy, commanding respect and authority. Highly intelligent and strong – with psychic prowess to manipulate hearts and minds. Harness regal energy, lead with wisdom, and navigate the cosmic chessboard with strategic skill.

Reptilian Enforcer
A formidable presence stands sentinel, enforcing discipline and obedience with unwavering strength. It keeps order through threats and intimidation. Channel this power judiciously, asserting your influence without compromising integrity.

Reptilian Dragon Moth
A majestic fusion of dragon and reptilian, this enigmatic creature embodies brutal malevolence and power. Its muscular physique and aggressive nature enforces domination and control over its underlings. Swoops swiftly into the fray. Assert yourself boldly.

Reptilian Runt
In the shadowy realms, the Runt slithers and hides, a small but tenacious force. Its survival depends on adaptability, cunning, and the art of concealment. It rises through the ranks through trickery and deceit. Navigate trying conditions with resilience.