The Pleiadians

The Pleiadians are a highly evolved species of star beings from the Pleiades, a luminous cluster in the constellation Taurus. It is visible to the naked eye and has been observed and referenced by various cultures throughout history. These ethereal entities are often depicted as benefactors of Earth, imbued with compassion and a desire to assist in our evolutionary journey. With their lithe light-bodied forms and high vibrational frequency, Pleiadians resonate with messages of peace, light, wisdom and love. They are often described as humanoid beings with a strikingly human appearance. They are tall, with fair skin, light hair, with symmetrical faces and distinctive blue eyes. They are an extremely attractive race to look at from a terrestrial perspective.
They share a kinship with humanity, having interacted with Earth throughout our history, seeding ancient wisdom and fostering a harmonious exchange of interstellar knowledge. They played a role in the development of ancient civilisations on Earth, providing knowledge and guidance to cultures such as the Lemurians, Atlanteans and ancient Egyptians. They are here specifically to observe and assist humanity’s transformation into a star-faring civilisation. They have a wonderful energy and are specialised as healers, as they are able transfer light to soothe pains through their empathic abilities. They are highly intuitive, creative, imaginative, mystical, compassionate and loving. They are also renowned for their high technology, spiritual advancement and epic libidos. Their presence is a gentle reminder of the interconnectedness of life that spans the cosmos, offering guidance as we navigate the pivotal currents of ascension.
Pleiadians have a distinct mission to assist and guide humanity in its spiritual evolution. Contact between Pleiadians and certain individuals on Earth is being made, often through channels of telepathic communication or direct encounters. These interactions involve sharing spiritual insights and assisting in raising the vibrational frequency of the planet. The Pleiadians are associated with a higher frequency of light and operate primarily in the fourth and fifth densities. Whilst not as advanced as the Arcturians, they play a pivotal role with humanity and have a special place in the pantheon of races reaching out to us. The number of incarnated Pleiadians on planet Earth at this point in our history is said to be much greater than any other race. This is due to our close connection and similarities between our two species.
Not all Pleiadians are benevolent towards humans. There are some that oppose the integration of humanity into the galactic collective. Many feel that we aren’t ready to make the leap into the unknown, that we haven’t advanced far enough to be afforded that honour. We haven’t yet found the wisdom to treat others that are different from ourselves with love and reverence. We are still fighting over attributes that are no more relevant than the colour of our eyes. If we can’t treat members of our own family – our own race – with compassion, then it’s unlikely that we would be able to integrate well with those that look very different from us. We must set aside these age-old emnities before we can progress to being a galactic civilisation. This view from some of the Pleiadians is salient and should be respected. That being said, there are members of the Pleiadian collective that are downright xenophobic and could even be considered malevolent from a certain point of view. Some of those entities have influenced humanity in a negative direction from time to time, fostering views of separation and discord. They definitely don’t want to see us evolve positively into the next octave. However, this is only a small minority of the overall Pleiadian collective. The majority want to see us succeed, as they believe that humanity will make a valuable addition to the cosmic family once we have matured.
Overall, the Pleiadian collective is remarkably benevolent and have a lot to offer us. They are also great fun to be around and are the pleasure-seekers of the galaxy – like dolphins and just as erotic. The party will be huge when they make their presence felt in person en masse on the physical plane. They’ve been here before, deeply influencing the Mayan culture by bringing the calendar and teaching them pyramid construction. They are are a highly disciplined, diligent and organised species. We should welcome our connection and the gifts that the Pleiadians bestow, our strong bond traverses the limits of time and goes beyond.