The Eye Of The Beholder

Being Watched, Third-Eye Opening, Observation, Akashic Records, Inner Sight, Psychism.

Realm: Akashic

Archetype: The Creator

Zodiac: Pisces

Crystal: Amethyst

The eye carries a huge significance for humankind. It is often described as the gateway to the soul. This is true, as the pupil is a miniature black hole. This isn’t widely understood by many people, yet it is obvious when we examine ourselves thoroughly. We are the microcosm of the macrocosm. We are a Universe in our own right. Just as in the larger black holes out in the cosmos, our eyes emit beams of energy. This can be felt by other creatures when we look directly at them as it interacts with their auric field. This is how we are able to sense when we are being watched.

Just as we are observing the Universe, it is also watching us. Nothing that we ever do is private, much as we may like to believe. Every thought, emotion and action is recorded in the Akashic Records, the vast celestial storehouse of information. The all-seeing eye is always vigilant, alert and has its gaze fixed on us. This should give us no reason to fear. It has seen it all before. There is nothing new under the sun.

The Third-Eye or pineal gland that resides in the centre of our brain is known as the seat of the soul. Through this spiritual technology we can gain access to the Akashic Records and achieve insight. Inner sight, in other words. When our Third-Eye becomes open, we are able to visualise properly and discern truth from lies. It becomes a clear transmitter and receiver of information. Our psychic senses come online and we start to journey through the cosmos through our inner world. We activate our imagination, which is the root of all magic.

When this card appears, it signifies that you are deepening your connection to your innate abilities. To nurture this connection, engage in meditation, visualisation exercises, past-life regressions and practices like eye-gazing and mirror-gazing. These techniques help you to know yourself better and also glimpse the many incarnations of your soul. Embrace this spiritual journey through inner exploration and watch as your insight expands.

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