Broken Wings

Abandonment, Misery, Isolation, New Hope, Resilience, Humility.

Realm: Emotional

Archetype: The Caregiver

Zodiac: Scorpio

Crystal: Jasper

A storm rages around us and the ocean swells. We kneel on a rock of isolation, our wings torn from our shoulder-blades. We may have suffered a set-back in our spiritual progress and come crashing down to Earth from a lofty height. We feel lost, alone and in deep pain.

We have suffered a trauma that is almost too agonising to bear. Where we once felt immortal and untouchable, riding high on the celestial winds, we now feel uncomfortably mortal. Sometimes, we get the sensation that the Divine has abandoned us. That we’ve been left out in the cold. We are stuck in place with no rescue in sight.

As our wings float away in the surf, we wonder if we will ever fly again. Is it possible to heal from wounds so great? It seems like there is no way out and the ocean will soon claim us too. The dark clouds overhead signify the depth of our misery. Yet, through an opening in the gloom there are rays of sunlight streaming down.

In our darkest moments, when we feel struck down, we must focus to see the light. It is always there, no matter what the circumstance. When we go through a dark night of the soul event, a transformation occurs. It may seem like there is no hope to be found but then, quite miraculously, it appears. The storm breaks, the wind vanishes and the ocean becomes as calm as a lake. We are touched by the Divine and we are lifted to safety. The wings we thought had been lost for good, regrow where the wounds were made.

We become stronger and more resilient by going through the fall. We are humbled by it and gain a measure of compassion for other souls that have taken the plunge. It isn’t easy to have faith when everything around us feels hopeless. Remarkably, at our weakest and most vulnerable, that is when we find our strength.

Assistance could come from the most unexpected place. There are also our guardians in the unseen realms that support us when we are in deep despair. Know that you will never be truly abandoned. The light of the one infinite creator shines upon you always. 

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