Cleansing Ritual

Purification, Rejuvenation, Energy Clearing, Cord Cutting, Meditation, Visualisation. 

Realm: Etheric

Archetype: The Caregiver

Zodiac: Virgo

Crystal: Amethyst

We accumulate debris and detritus in our bioenergy field, our aura, over time. This residue can be a result of interactions with people, places, or objects. Those carrying a negative charge may become absorbed by us, giving rise to feelings of sadness, anger, discouragement, frustration, guilt, shame, lethargy, envy, and more. It’s crucial for our spiritual development to distinguish our own energy from external influences. There is no fault in collecting negative energy; it’s a natural aspect of our reality.

To clear away these detrimental influences, developing a cleansing ritual is wise. The ritual’s complexity can range from simple to elaborate. Some people find smudging effective – this involves lighting sage, thyme, or palo santo and allowing the smoke to envelop the body, revitalising the aura. Others turn to meditation, utilising visualisation techniques to imagine a golden bubble of light around themselves. Mentally, they cleanse any discoloured or dark areas within their energy field, using cord-cutting exercises to sever unwanted connections with others. Mantras, mudras, and incantations can also be employed. A straightforward crystal grid, organising crystals into a geometric pattern, serves as another cleansing tool.

If these practices feel too mystical, a soothing bath is an excellent alternative. It’s the easiest way to refresh your aura. Adding a few drops of essential oil to the bath, such as rose, lavender, or citrus, is recommended for creating a delightful aroma during your soak. A shower is also a practical option. While the water cascades, you can visualise dark energy leaving your body and flowing down the drain.

Additionally, several frequency-based technologies are available to assist you, employing tones or lights to restore your aura’s vibrancy. If you have access to such technology, don’t hesitate to use it. Aromatherapy, using an atomiser to turn essential oils into a vapour, can also help stabilise the energy field while leaving your surroundings fragrant and pleasing.

When this card appears, it encourages you to initiate your own cleansing ritual. Enjoy the process. Soon, you’ll feel lighter and brighter, returning to your true self once more.

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