
Seduction, Immediate Gratification, Defiance, Desires, Moderation, Knowledge. 

Realm: Astral

Archetype: The Rebel

Zodiac: Aries

Crystal: Chalcedony

Temptation, like the apple on the Tree of Knowledge, often dangles irresistibly before our eyes. It beckons to us, just as it did to Eve, despite the stern warning of dire consequences. We ponder, why would a benevolent creator place such an object of pure delight within easy reach? Wouldn’t an omniscient deity have already known her choice?

In the garden, the serpent approached her and spoke words of seduction: “You will not surely die,” he assured, “For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil”. One might expect an omnipotent creator to intervene at this critical juncture, shielding Eve from her fateful choice, but instead, he watched, allowing events to unfold.

Eve succumbed to temptation, partook of the fruit, and shared it with Adam. For their defiance, they were banished from Eden, their paradise, and burdened with suffering, a fate passed down to all their descendants. Does this punishment truly fit the crime? Perhaps this is more an allegory that warns against disobedience to authority and encourages ignorance instead?

This moment marks what is known as the ‘Original Sin’. The term “sin” derives from archery, meaning “to miss the mark”. Hitting a target accurately takes practice and patience, just as it does in our lives. We make mistakes, often led astray by immediate pleasures and momentary gratifications, resulting in guilt and shame. Despite these feelings, we find ourselves ensnared in the cycle repeatedly, with the allure of temptation often feeling irresistible – much like the trick played upon Eve in the garden.

Our desires can bring both profound joy and immense suffering, often embodying both good and evil simultaneously, creating a division in our minds and hearts that yearns for reconciliation. Striving to renounce all pleasure to lead an ascetic life might seem a straightforward solution, but this can paradoxically generate a desire to be free from desire itself.

When facing temptation, remember the wisdom of moderation. Sip instead of gulp; savour, don’t guzzle. A little indulgence can be a source of delight. And, importantly, be kind to yourself afterward; celebrate when you find the balance, and know that perfection is not the goal.

Embrace the lesson within the story of temptation, recognising that it’s part of the human experience. In its allure, there is an opportunity for growth, understanding, and ultimately, mastery over one’s desires.

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