Akashic Records

Celestial Information, Soul Knowledge, Persistence, Visualisation, Guidance, Answers.

Realm: Akashic

Archetype: The Sage

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Crystal: Chrysolite

The Akashic Records are often viewed as an extensive library that houses your book of life. Alternatively, it can be viewed as a vast etheric database containing all information about your incarnation. It is a vast storehouse and repository of knowledge. It doesn’t matter how you imagine this structure, it appears to us exactly how we need to see it.

There are simple processes and magical imaginal techniques that can take us to view our data. For some, access seems difficult, especially when unprepared. Some only glimpse outside the gates before being turned away. Others may peek inside but then retreat unexpectedly. Persistence is the key, we will know when the time is right to enter. Those that progress past the gates are greeted by whatever suits their particular style and taste.

It may appear as a grand architectural edifice, with ornate columns and endless rows of bookshelves. It could be a grand celestial gallery with paintings depicting the stories of our lives. It could be a dusty storage room filled to the brim with ancient papyrus scrolls with hieroglyphs drawn on them. It could even be a magnificent crystalline palace that sparkles as the rays of light hit the individual crystals that contain the information that we seek. It is whatever is most useful and expedient for our visualisation purposes.

When we find our unique storage device, be it book, painting, scroll or crystal, we can tap into the knowledge of our soul. We can ask questions and receive guidance about our current predicaments. We can obtain answers to our most pressing concerns and gain clues about how we might proceed.

When this card appears in your reading, it hints that you may be ready to explore the Akashic Records. You can seek out a guide that can facilitate the journey or you can do it all by yourself. The choice is yours. Know that when you access the information, you will be receiving what is only for your highest good. Trust in your expansion and the messages that you receive. Let your spirit soar as you touch the information that is reaching out to you.

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