PEMF is a safe and natural way to recharge your body. It does this by recharging your low energy cells, which in turn stimulates metabolism turning back time on your internal clock by reducing systemic inflammation. It doesn’t have any harmful side effects commonly associated with prescription drugs and medical procedures. This is nature’s healing force. You already naturally have an electromagnetic pulse running through your body; your heart unifies each of your cells in an electromagnetically charged information field. This is normally influenced by the Earth’s own electromagnetic field which radiates from the Earth’s core, also known as the Schumann Resonance. PEMF mirrors and amplifies nature’s ability to speed up and regulate healing and wellness in your body. A strong natural electromagnetic charge in your cells improves health on all levels. We are surrounded by electro-smog through Wi-Fi and numerous other signals in the air all around us. This has cut us off from the natural frequency and signal of the earth and sun. Our cells over time suffer and lose their shape and therefore their correct working frequency and then their physical function starts to fail.By re-energising cell membranes, PEMF improves levels of oxygen and the cellular energy molecule, ATP. The result is more energy, drive and stamina, less brain fog, and simply getting much more done in the day. Helps to dampen the stress and anxiety cycle in which the nervous system becomes agitated and stress hormones create havoc in the body. There is also a feel-good effect after treatment. PEMF helps to improve sleep and recovery and boosts the development of immune system cells. It also limits factors involved in inflammation and pain. Blood circulation, metabolism and nutrient absorption are all improved and the body is better equipped to deal with wear and tear. It boosts levels of chondrocytes for cartilage flexibility, osteoblasts for bone strength, collagen for skin flexibility and human growth hormone affecting skin tone, muscle growth, sex drive and joint flexibility. In addition to its energy, immune and circulatory effects.Pre-exercise PEMF boosts levels of intramuscular oxygen and ATP, reducing lactic acid build-up and increasing performance intensity and endurance. It also helps deal with and prevent the inevitable effects of regular sports or exercise: strains, sprains and even fractures. There are a wide variety of PEMF machines on the market, cell2n delivers a powerful solution that provides results that may not be available with the alternatives. That’s not to say that the others aren’t effective, they are, it’s just that the speed with which progress is made may be slower by comparison. There are some excellent portable devices that will provide benefits and these are highly recommended if a cell2n machine isn’t available in your area. Some of these solutions are: the Healy, TimeWaver, miHealth and Spooky2.