Cosmic Wonder

Unfamiliarity, Courage, Bravery, Remembrances, Questions, Answers.

Realm: Cosmic

Archetype: The Explorer

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Crystal: Jacinth

We appear on a peculiar planet, in unfamiliar surroundings. There are similarities between this world and ours, but the night’s sky is filled with unusual celestial objects. The temperate climate allows easy breathing in the oxygen-rich atmosphere. Lush vegetation and majestic snow-capped mountains stretch off into the distance. A river runs peacefully by. Though the place appears deserted, further investigation would surely reveal alien life and civilisations waiting to be discovered, with new friends to be made.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like on other planes of existence? Do you yearn to explore strange new worlds? Is there a part of you that remembers living in different realms? Can you imagine the vast cosmos in your mind? Do you know in your heart that life exists out there in the universe?

These are perhaps some of the most profound questions that humanity has ever pondered. The great scientists, sages and mystics have all grappled with these philosophical conundrums. For the terrestrial-minded, such cosmic queries hold little importance. Planet Earth is their sole focus. This perspective is fine and is required to keep the machinery of enterprise running. But to boldly go where few have gone before, into the far reaches of the unknown, is not on their agenda. This mission is for the intrepid and restless souls that don’t feel entirely comfortable on terra firma. We want to see what’s out there. We must be courageous and brave when setting off on our revelatory expeditions.

“It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it’s not for the timid.”

We can envision existence as omnipotent creator beings, meticulously designing each planet with precise artistry – every detail crafted to delight or terrify. There is immense diversity of form and function, all interconnected through the quantum realm. We can travel anywhere through our mind’s eye. If we believe, it will be.

When this card appears, it signifies opening up to cosmic wonder. Accept this gift with arms wide. Marvel at the great mystery above you, and find within yourself the answers you’ve somehow always known.

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