DNA Activation

Maturity, Achievement, Defying Expectations, Personal Responsibility, Unlocking Memories.

Realm: Causal

Archetype: The Rebel

Zodiac: Capricorn

Crystal: Chrysolite

The time has come to transcend who you once were. Your spirit feels insulted, playing it small, hiding away your light. Mediocrity erodes the will; excelling at nothing feels like a waste. You are tired of scoffing critics, of shame and disappointment. Eyes of derision glaring at you as you stumble and fall.

You weary of gilded cages, no matter how comfortable. The rat race holds no appeal, even when you scale to the top of the ladder. True power lies not in the illusory hierarchy but in embracing responsibility for your sovereign self.

Blindly you reach out into the dark, grasping that which lies just within reach. In stillness you find yourself. Therein lies the only way forward. Meditation is the key to the prison. It is the means of escape.

Joining together with others, you activate one another’s latent abilities. Lost memories surface as you unlock the wisdom in your DNA. A new maturity arises through selfless service. This can only be achieved when we share our gifts. You may not think you have many. You may believe that what you have is not enough. Trust that you have enough. You are enough. You are the best person at being who you are. Moulded and shaped specifically from the one infinite creator of all. You are an immense being of power and light.

Slowly but surely you defy expectations. For you know the awesome force that sleeps inside, waiting to be awakened. The heights you will scale cannot be comprehended by earthbound minds. But you feel the inner master rising. You suspect that you are meant for something greater. Somehow you’ve known it all your life. Feel this now and know that it is assured.

This is your birthright – yet you must claim it. At times the climb seems impossible, there are obstacles that feel insurmountable. But your path is predestined. Your awakening inevitable. A future of freedom and self-mastery awaits.

Keep reaching into the darkness, for your inner light is ready to guide you home. Each step forwards kindles more of your potential. Have courage, for the slumbering genius within is beginning to stir. Your time is now.

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