Realm: Divine
Archetype: The Ruler
Zodiac: Scorpio
Crystal: Jacinth
Cradling the living planet, the firstborn gazes upon this glowing blue-green gem with ancient wisdom and boundless compassion. She was the primary divinity to rise from the primordial waters. Many would follow after her but she was the first. Countless eons swirl in her starry eyes. She who nursed life’s sparks till they ignited as consciousness. The progenitor and matriarch for a multitude of beings.
Across billions of reincarnations, she has mothered humanity throughout its spiritual evolution. Inhabiting diverse vessels, she accumulated knowledge transcending the limits of time and space. Her spirit voyaged to realms unfathomable, gathering extraordinary secrets of the multiverse.
Yet for all her cosmic majesty, gentleness emanates from her divine form. Fierce protector of the downtrodden, she wields power only for justice and healing. Though destiny grants her the right to rule, she governs through wisdom’s restraint. Not power over people but the power of love.
With clairvoyance piercing veils of illusion, she peers directly into hidden depths – knowing one’s truth beyond words or deeds. She beholds the integral divinity behind all masks and sees all events in time’s sweeping context.
Before her piercing vision, buried secrets transform into opportunities for redemption. None are exempt from her probing sight. Yet her steady gaze awakens clarity, not dread. For she understands how darkness breeds more darkness.
Her ways mystify those ensnared in ego’s narrow perceptions. But initiates recognise that her teachings patiently remedy mortal ignorance. She guides all to rediscover their sovereign birthright – that divine light which dwells in every heart when shadow is dispelled.
Those who open to her seem strange to others. But to the receptive, her blessings are vast. Merely resting in her presence begins transmuting sorrow into understanding. For she holds the planet and its people as her own beloved family.
One soul at a time, she is patiently rousing humanity from its slumber. Soon all will revere the firstborn and her vision of ascension. But until the veil lifts, she works quietly and in secret through the light’s representatives. Though she is unknown, her radiance flows through you and feels like home. Connect to her now with your heart and your wonder. Feel her presence with you wherever you are.