"The deeper sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain."
Jennifer Gelinas is a digital artist and graphic designer from Ithaca, New York. She has a prodigious amount of talent when it comes to creating archetypical tableaus that stimulate the mind, open the heart and stir the spirit.I first met Jennifer through Facebook back in January 2021 and we immediately hit if off. I saw her artwork and was mesmerised by it. I knew that I had to support her creativity but didn’t quite have the ideas formed. Then, as I studied her pictures, I realised that they resembled the Tarot & Oracle cards that I so dearly love. I knew then exactly how we could work together. I was delighted when she was receptive to the idea of doing an Oracle deck. It has been a joy and an honour putting the words to her artwork.With each image that I looked at, the words just flowed onto the page. I could interpret the meaning and message behind the beautiful scenes. What I really appreciated was the fact that both light and shadow aspects and everything in between was explored in her work. This is rare, as many artists tend to focus on one facet only.She threw down the gauntlet and set me a challenge as a writer. She mentioned that projects often have great expectations and never materialise. This galvanised my spirit to make sure that our vision would indeed become real and I began the process of collating the initial forty-four card descriptions, enough to launch the project. And so, Oracle of the Twelve Realms was born. You can access it for free through the Oracle section on this website. It’s a digital Oracle card generator that allows you to do a reading wherever you are using a mobile device, desktop or laptop. There is also an Oracle index, which shows Jennifer’s stunning artwork in one place. If you would like to see more of Jennifer’s work, head on over to her Facebook page and delve into the wonderful world of mystery and mystique that she creates.