Peel Apart The Programming

Labels, Imprisonment, Belief Systems, Rebellion, Uncomfortable Truths, Comfortable Lies.

Realm: Intuitional

Archetype: The Rebel

Zodiac: Aquarius

Crystal: Sapphire

From birth, we are labeled. We receive a name, nationality, religion and race. As we progress, more of these tags get stuck to us. We are measured, weighed, evaluated, graded, placed in a hierarchy and given a title. We develop our own belief systems, according to our personal tastes, and affix more labels onto ourselves until we become dull, cold, brittle and ossified. We profess our way as best, our answers as right. This makes us argue against others that have been through the same process but are covered in diametrically opposed words.

These labels are illusory and blind us to the greater reality. We cling onto our icons for comfort, finding solace in being part of a group. When we realise that the symbol that we’ve adopted is merely a box, a prison, that’s when we can’t start to break free. We rebel against the program that has been installed.

As light streams in, our hardened shell starts crumbling. We see that we have been ensconced in a cave staring at shadows. We have become a shadow ourselves, not knowing the light that resides within. As the programming peels apart from us, we touch our smooth, flexible skin, admiring our new outer coating that is pliable and warm.

As the love light ignites in our hearts, we start to remember what it was like to be free of unnecessary divisions. We glimpse the bright rays from the universe but avert our gaze. We can’t take it all in one go. It’s too much information to absorb. We may want to reverse the process and go back to the way things were. It’s painful to shed the things that we thought were good and true. Comfortable lies please more than uncomfortable truths.

We can’t hide – truth will find us. When it does, it can be dazzling. Rather than turning away, we should face it head on. We should greet the light with our light. This is when a communion takes place, a communication with the Divine. Eventually, who we were is unrecognisable to who we have become. We stand renewed and reborn, without our brittle shell, embracing the life we were born to lead. A life without limits.

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