Randi Janelle – Liminal Yoga

"Healing, growth & happiness".

Liminal Yoga invites you to step across the threshold into a holistic practice blending physical postures and spiritual connection. Each class shapeshifts through the shared energy of attendees guided by an intuitive facilitator. Together we will cocreate an uplifting community and deepen our inner wisdom.

As founder of Liminal Yoga, I am Randi Janelle – passionate wayfinder, spiritual explorer, and enthusiastic participant in this collaborative discovery. My journey with yoga began at 16, providing ballast during turbulent seas. Across years of devoted practice, I learned that true strength blossoms by enriching one another and offering guidance as fellow travelers.

After training near Cusco’s sacred grounds in 2014, I found home at Weaverville Yoga – a boutique studio where I taught for nearly 5 years. Witnessing our sangha flourish and expand was profoundly moving. Now embracing my role as wayshower in this liberated age, I follow inner compass signals wherever they lead.

My perspective weaves threads from various healing modalities – channeling, shamanic journeying, past-life regression, dream work, cardology and quantum principles. I am fascinated by liminal states where we exist as both particles and waves – simultaneously embodied and infinite. This is the mystic ground where yoga takes root.

For me, yoga gifts a foundation reaching beyond physical fortitude – to equanimity, compassion, joy. This radiance is reflected in our community of smiling wise souls, generous healers, and caretakers of the collective flame. Thank you for joining our movement, where the essence is lovelovelovelovelove!

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