Aura Guide

Our bioelectric field.

The aura is the energy field that surrounds a person like a bubble. In fact, there are auras around every living thing, even objects that you wouldn’t imagine to be alive on first inspection. Plants, trees, animals, rocks, buildings, tables, chairs, vehicles, even the Earth itself. Here we’ll simply be dealing with the human being, which has a specific and unique field that is similar to a fingerprint.

Most people don’t know that they have one but they certainly can sense when someone is interacting with it. Imagine yourself in a queue at the supermarket and someone gets up too close behind you, perhaps that’s only a few feet, and you automatically shuffle forwards to make more personal space for yourself. That’s you automatically and unconsciously detecting when someone’s aura has connected with yours.

The field varies in size depending on the individual but on average it could be as little as a foot to as much as four feet away from the body. I suspect that some auras may be even greater still, depending on the spiritual mastery of an individual. It actually goes further than that, as it contributes to the aura of our house, community, country, continent, world, galaxy and the Universe as a whole. The size, colour and consistency of the field can tell us the health of the individual on a number of different levels. It can also give us an indication of what personality traits that person might have, and what skills and abilities are at their disposal. It can also reveal the challenges that might be encountered and potential flaws.

The health of the aura reflects the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of the person and it’s linked to the Chakra system. Chakras are wheels of energy that begin underneath the feet with the Earth Star Chakra, moving up to the Root at the base of the spine, Sacral just below the belly button, Solar Plexus in the middle of the abdomen, Heart in the centre of the chest, Throat at the centre of the Larynx, Third-Eye above the brow in the middle of the forehead, Crown at the top of the head and the Lunar, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway and Universal Chakras are above the head outside of the body. Ideally, energy should be flowing smoothly throughout the system snaking through the Chakras.

Chakras can be underactive, overactive, balanced or blocked and this will have an impact on the colour and consistency of the aura. There are many methods to bring a Chakra into balance: Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, aromatherapy, meditation, sound and light therapy, PEMF, dancing, art, walking in nature, eating the right foods, drinking clean water, getting enough sleep, colour therapy and so on. Also, an energetic healer using modalities such as Reiki, Shamanic or Quantum Healing can detect the health of a Chakra and bring it into balance.

The more dominant Chakra will be reflected in the colour of the aura. Some people have a blend, giving them traits that are a composite of the main colours. As everyone is unique, so is an aura. It is like our own energetic signature. The inner core of the aura is usually more stable with the outer layer fluctuating frequently with different colours depending on our moods. How we spend our time, what we consume physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, how we behave and what we interact with all has an impact on the aura. Knowing what base colour your aura is can assist you in moving your life forward in the direction that it needs to go and may help to provide greater clarity on what your life purpose is and what makes you tick.

Aura Colours

Red – First Chakra (Root)

Reds are materially focused, down to Earth, passionate, sensual, strong and dominant. They can have an over-inflated sense of self and be ego-centric and arrogant and may have a tendency to brag about their physical prowess or material wealth. They do require safety and security in order to thrive. Practical and energetic, these are beings that are most likely to be good with their hands, excel at sport and have a powerful physical presence. They prefer to live in the moment, being strongly connected to the material realm. Many have little time for spiritual pursuits and will often view them with distaste or make a mockery of them when the subject is brought up.

They make excellent leaders and have an abundance of raw primal energy. With a fiery drive and determination, they are able to accomplish goals with ease. There is sometimes a high element of competitiveness that can cause abrasion with other people as they attempt to continuously one-up everyone around them. They do, however, make loyal and trusted friends and rely on a close-knit circle in order to thrive. Action and adventure is never far from their minds, as they have thrill-seeking tendencies and enjoy nothing more than putting their physical prowess to the test. They are the warriors of our collective.

Often these people are confident and charming, with a grounded feel about them. They can suffer from outbursts of anger and vindictiveness if their fiery nature isn’t kept in check. These active, energetic beings flourish best in nature, doing exercise and having plenty of romance and passion in their private lives. Insecurity, uncertainty and fear can knock them totally off-balance, so it’s important for them to feel safe. 

Orange – Second Chakra (Sacral)

These are the natural thrill-seekers with a zest for life and willingness to push limits. Being more of the grounded, materially orientated aura colours, they may shy away from spiritual pursuits in favour of maximising adrenaline-fuelled pleasure. Excitement is the name of the game with these bounteous bundles of bold energy. Sexuality and sensuality too is dialled up to eleven and they can be expected to engage in hot and steamy romps, usually bounding from one partner to the next as they seek to satiate their unquenchable desire. Variety is the spice of life for these people and they’re always on the hunt for something new and exhilarating.

This can, however, lead to problems with addiction, risk taking and over-stimulation. On their quest for the next greatest high, they can chase their goal to the detriment of their own health and safety. They’re not adverse to roping in others into their adventurous schemes and often need to reign themselves in to prevent catastrophe. Fun is their primary objective and this can sometimes be at the expense of prudence. They often require cooler heads to talk them out of the latest daredevil escapade, however, this can lead to them feeling stifled.

Overall, they are very productive and creative individuals, relying on their strong physicality to pull them through tough ordeals. They can produce quite miraculous feats of endurance to complete a goal. It is this that they are often focused on: reaching the summit to get that Dopamine hit. Boredom can set in if they are not engaged in some sort of audacious pursuit. They can be brave, bold, intrepid, enterprising, innovative, ingenious, reckless, pushy and rash. A sublime combination for having a really great time.

Yellow – Third Chakra (Solar Plexus)

Bright and bubbly, these beings are effervescent, uplifting and a well-spring of positivity. They’re creative, intelligent and have a passion for fun. They crave excitement, yet this is tempered by their smart minds and so they shun the more risky of behaviours in favour of something less death-defying. You can imagine them skateboarding, skiing, surfing or rollerblading. They are relatively solitary people, however, preferring the simplicity of their own company. They’re happy on their own and so their pursuits often reflect that temperament.

They’re also naturally artistic and this may present itself in range of ways, it could be sculpture or pottery or gardening and so on. Whatever it is, they must do it or face the prospect of bouts of depression. A yellow simply must create. This does make them capable of some stunning feats, as they are perfectionist in their approach and can spend an inordinate amount of time on their own honing their craft. What they produce is delightful, meticulous, clever and inspiring.

Despite their hermit nature, they are an absolute blessing to have around. If you are lucky enough to befriend one of these little rays of sunlight, you will find them a constant source of joyful fun. They don’t tolerate negative people well, however, and they are super-conscious of being drained, preferring to keep their energy to themselves so that they can maximise their own enjoyment. They will quickly move on from people that don’t reciprocate their positivity. Their caustic wit can sometimes hurt others with more sensitive dispositions. That being said, they’re an absolute riot to be around and it’s hard not to smile right along with them. You may have trouble finding them though.

Green – Forth Chakra (Heart)

These are the sweet sensitive lovers of the bunch. It’s all about the heart for those with a green aura and compassion, empathy and balance are the touch-words to describe them to a tee. They have a blend of groundedness and spirituality which makes them an excellent bridge between the two worlds. Nature is of paramount importance along with the love of the planet. They can be prone to jealousy if their massive hearts aren’t handled correctly and require a steady supply of loving energy from their close circle of friends and family. The green-eyed monster has a tendency to come out if their aura is ever dulled.

Their relationships are vital to them, sometimes to their detriment, as they can have a tendency to throw their love around to people that are undeserving or are not good for them. This means that establishing boundaries is key to prevent resentments from seeping in. They are generous of spirit, kind, extremely good listeners and have the ability to help others open up to their emotions. Giving is something that they enjoy and they know precisely how to spread a little happiness with a well-selected gift. A romantic stroll along the beach, hand-in-hand, or a camp-out in the wilderness under the moonlight, looking up at the stars are examples of the most perfect things to do with these amorous souls.

Many make fantastic healers and they emanate calmness and composure. The loving energy that they exude has the capability to connect to other hearts making them particularly potent batteries for those souls that are depleted. You can get a healthy positive charge from being in their presence as they spread joy to those that are around them. Their tendency to help those in need can get them into trouble if they don’t learn to back away from responsibilities that are not theirs to handle. That being said, they are a force for good in the world, emanating kindness wherever they go.

Blue – Fifth Chakra (Throat)

Communication is where it’s at for those with blue as their primary colour. This could be through writing, the spoken word, music, art or movement. Their main goal is to deliver a message. They have a soothing, calming effect, being one of the cooler colours, and have a tendency for high levels of intelligence and self-expression. Honesty, loyalty and trust are the descriptors for these people and they prize this most in their relationships with others. They often have a strong sense of intuition and can be highly sensitive.

Most blues love a good chat and can talk almost endlessly about a wide range of subjects. They are charming, charismatic, open and erudite. Their sense of humour is unparalleled and they often have animated gesticulations, using their body as a communication device. Self-expression is where they shine and yet, if this is stifled in any way, they can feel totally lost. They simply must explore the articulation of their lexical schema with an overabundance of verbiage in order to delight their audiences with a dizzying quantity of poetically lyrical wizzarding wit. You will laugh right along with them as they bend reality with their words, taking you in directions that will inspire and enchant.

They can be extremely open-hearted and visionary, with a stunning array of information at their disposal. Interesting would be the word to describe them to a tee. Perhaps they even use this liberally within their own sentences as they love to share information verbally, so be prepared to speak at length with these loquacious conversationalists. They can, however, have a tendency to drag others into their problems and gossip if they’re not mindful. Despite this, they are frequently optimistic and able to see the bigger picture and are usually tapped into the spiritual realm giving them genius level intuitive skills and, as a result, they make great counsellors and therapists.     

Indigo – Sixth Chakra (Third-Eye)

Those with an indigo aura are people with extraordinary intuitive powers. They have a miraculous gift to see things beyond the ordinary and are blessed with superb visionary abilities. They operate well in the imaginative space and can have prophetic or lucid dreams. They receive flashes of insight and knowings and are able to pass on messages to others to guide them along their path. Many times they are misunderstood and feel like outcasts, preferring to retreat into the background, as they often appear strange and frightening to others that don’t understand intuitive powers. This can often lead them to feel under-appreciated and like they don’t belong or fit in. To counter-balance this, they are extremely accepting of others and are welcoming to anyone, with the exception of those that are cruel or who have malevolent intentions.

They have a strong sense of ethics and have little patience for those that don’t value humanity. They are fiercely independent and resist tyranny and the constriction of traditional professions, preferring to be self-employed. Hierarchies really aren’t for them and they do not wish to lead nor follow, opting for a lone wolf approach to their existence. They may suffer as a result of this, as their hermit tendencies may push away prospective partnerships, however, if they find the right blend, they make excellent companions providing both passion and insight.

Usually, they exude an assured confidence, with huge reserves of energy and enthusiasm, however, if their talents aren’t harnessed or appreciated, they can become discouraged and descend into depression. When they are surrounded by people that love and care for them and who understand their gifts, they thrive. They come alive completely when they are valued for their intuitive skills, as they love nothing more than performing their role as intermediary between the numinous realms and the physical.

Violet – Seventh Chakra (Crown)

People with violet auras are often seen as the super-psychics or empaths. Word of warning, they can read you like an open book, so this can be pretty disconcerting if you encounter one. They are highly spiritually attuned and love to explore the Universe beyond. They can appear to be mysterious, as they often cloak their own emotions to all but other psychics. Relationships may be difficult for violets, as having the ability to read emotional states can sometimes lead to awkward moments when others wish to mask what’s going on inside. They must practise discernment when to use their abilities and speak what they know, as there’s a time and place for revealing guidance and some may not be open to hearing it.

Because they are so sensitive, they may need to withdraw from having a wide social circle as this can be too intense to bear. Their energies are best directed towards humanitarian aims. Properly channeled, they can excel in many different positions but if they elect to pursue the role of psychic or empath, they are then able to utilise their talents to the greatest effect. Their unique ability to provide advice to spiritual seekers is truly remarkable, however, sometimes this gift can be seen as a curse with knowings about others causing discomfort through painful truths.

Those that possess this aura are generally open-hearted, loving and kind. They make excellent friends but have a tendency to become a little lonely, especially when their talents are felt to be unwelcome. Balance between social interaction and time spent alone is key. All in all, they appear to be mystical and magical and have a special allure of high spiritual wisdom. If they can come to terms with their extraordinary gifts, they have the potential to bloom. 

Silver – Eighth Chakra (Lunar or Seat Of Divine Compassion & Spiritual Awakening)

People with a silver aura have extremely potent spiritual gifts and are usually deeply intuitive and dialled in. They are not natural healers, however, and prefer to take roles as teachers or leaders. They have access to divine wisdom and have a keen sense of direction and drive. They do have a tendency to take things slow and steady, preferring accuracy and attention to detail over prolificacy.  They have the uncanny ability to see things that others miss and have a high level of intellect.

They are picky about who they associate with and can be rather discerning about their choice of friends. Most have the ability to generate material wealth with ease and could be considered to have extremely good fortune due to their shrewd natures. They seem to have perfect magical timing when it comes to ideas and investments, as if they’ve been tipped-off by the Infinite itself. One drawback of this is that they can fall into hollow pursuits and become corrupted by success, wasting their abilities.

In order to thrive, they must share their connection to the divine, their wisdom and their compassion with others. They make excellent mentors and spiritual advisors and can help propel others to almost impossible heights. They do have a tendency, however, to avoid conflict and people with malevolent intentions. They will pass up opportunities with people that are difficult, preferring to guide those that have potential. On the flip-side, they will often be found counselling those in deep agony, knowing that their words of wisdom can provide others with the inspiration to help move them out of their painful predicaments. They are loyal and supportive and avoid drama like the plague. People that don’t conform to their high standards of honesty and integrity will be cut off without a second’s thought with no regrets. 

Gold – Ninth Chakra (Soul Star)

Golds make natural teachers and, rather than being the epitome of perfection and purity, they are keen to let others know of their apparent flaws. They seem to have a divine level of knowledge and awareness and are rarely deceived by the machinations of less scrupulous individuals. Many have made the journey into the depths of darkness themselves and are acutely aware of their own limitations and negative traits. They could have several aspects to their personality that may be considered less than wholesome or even downright reprehensible. Roguish, in other words. Self-mastery is the objective for those with this colour aura and an overcoming of their own personal demons, of which they may have many. When they reach this pinnacle and the gold aura reveals itself, they glow. Often this will be hidden temporarily under a black or grey aura due to trauma and negative life experiences. These will be strategically placed in that person’s timeline in order to provide life lessons that will fuel their development towards enlightenment.

They are extremely generous with both time and resources, preferring to share what they have with others, this is particularly true of the information that they hold. Not only are they excellent sources of the truth due to their keen intuition, they’re also adept at listening, paying close attention to words that are spoken in order to increase their own knowledge. This makes them superb friends and counsellors, as they are able to switch from speaking to listening with their understanding of timing and equitable exchange of energy.

They rarely want anyone else to put them up on a pedestal, preferring to be seen as an equal, this allows them to interact and connect with people from all walks of life. Others see them as inspirational, even when it’s not immediately apparent and they have the ability to activate others through their words and behaviours. Generally, they are selfless, although they will not tolerate manipulation and will fight back if they encounter harsh treatment. They may, however, be beset by personal tragedy so great that the gold never appears and so they must be careful not to let their demons run amok. Once established though, gold is impossible to tarnish and they develop the ability to spread love, positivity and happiness wherever they go.

Brown – Tenth Chakra (Earth Star)

Those with this colour have a tendency to be fixated on the material realm, with possessions and greed being a primary focus. This is characterised by hoarding and/or a propensity for being trapped in one mode of operation, that being unconscious insecurity. You could say that a person like this is stuck in the mud and that would be an apt description for these most Earth-bound of souls. All thoughts of spirituality have been abandoned and this could manifest as atheistic or agnostic belief systems. They could find that their life lacks meaning and purpose, with routine and mundane tasks dominating the vista of their experience. Little joy is found from the majesty of creation, save for frivolous pleasures. Despite this, people with a brown aura can be extremely dedicated, driven and committed due to their extraordinarily grounded personality.

They may exhibit people-pleasing behaviours and a distinct lack of boundaries, which may lead them to being manipulated and taken advantage of. They may feel a strong sense of duty, often taking on projects that aren’t their responsibility, which could lead to burnout both on a physical, emotional and psychological level. They are often plagued by worries and fears and thus can be duped and make ill-informed decisions.

Comfort and safety are of paramount importance to those with a brown aura. Any progress must be made with this in mind and anything that challenges this will often be met with harsh resistance. If their earthy energy can be directed towards philanthropic pursuits, a sense of meaning can be achieved. They’re adept at gathering resources and so, when this strength is harnessed, they may be transformed spiritually if they are able to share this natural talent with their community. They benefit greatly from establishing a strong connection to nature and if they manage to do this, they really excel.

White – Eleventh Chakra (Stellar Gateway)

White auras represent an exceptional level of purity. They are a force for good and righteousness and have a profound spiritual connection. They have a strong desire to help humanity and are most likely to be found in professions that provide a service to the many rather than the few. They have a tendency to be moralistic, which can land others on the ‘bad’ side of them. Sometimes they’re inflexible with a strong sense of right and wrong, however, this can be misplaced and incorrectly applied.

They may appear to be naive, as they tend to see the good in people, and this means that they can be manipulated by those with malevolent intentions. However, they are loyal, trustworthy, honest and are resistant to negative energies. They are natural protectors of the weak and vulnerable and have a strong sense of justice. Healing is something that they’re adept at and sometimes they’re able to perform miraculous and magical feats that defy comprehension. It’s as if they’re protected by a higher spiritual force. They make excellent friends and companions, as their mere presence is enough to light up a room. Their unselfish attitude and giving nature allows them to be generous to a fault. They are often, however, misunderstood by many and can sometimes appear to be judgemental even when they’re not, as they have the ability to trigger the shadow aspect in others so that it can be seen and healed.

Those with this aura colour should be able to access the higher planes of reality and astral travel consciously with ease. Many will have contact with higher density entities, such as angels and our galactic cousins. Most likely to have prodigious extra-sensory psychic abilities and can access past/present/future/parallel timelines. A white has a supreme magnitude of spiritual power and often their capabilities far exceed those with other aura colours, however, this can become corrupted if used for negative ends, so they need to be mindful of keeping themselves as pure as possible in order to maximise the intensity of their glow. They are indeed brilliant and, when fully developed, they shine brighter than the sun.

Rainbow Twelfth Chakra (Universal)

People with rainbow auras are the rarest of them all. As the rainbow encompasses many colours, these are multi-faceted individuals with exceptional talents. They usually have a profound spiritual connection, with psychic and healing abilities. Their presence alone can promote a frequency-raising effect in any area that they come into. A brimming optimism and positivity spreads to all those that come into contact with them. They have the constant drive to help those in need and are orientated to serving others. One of their unique abilities is to dispel negativity and they are pretty much immune to energetic attacks and can quickly shrug of setbacks and emotional disturbances.

They rarely have bouts of depression, anxiety or fear, naturally gravitating towards a position of love. The character of a rainbow is bright, bubbly, sensitive, strong, vibrant, energetic and joyous, with a curious and inquisitive nature and love of life. Spending most of their time living in the moment, they often shun large crowds, preferring to explore the world experiencing their dream. They naturally gravitate towards others and will go out of their way to assist anyone almost to the point of exhausting their boundless energetic reserves.

They have the ability to see things that many do not and have passion and drive. They are outgoing and find it easy to make close friendships. They seem to have a charmed life, as their ability to make the right decision is uncanny. They lack a judgemental attitude and are accepting of the failings of others. Many shun the limelight, preferring to reside in the background, working their magic from behind the scenes. At this point in time, more rainbows are incarnating on the planet in order to intensify humanity’s evolution. Their deep compassion, empathy and love will turbo-charge this process and lead us into the next age.

Grey – Chakra blockages present

Grey auras are a sign of transition. As with all auras, there is a spectrum of colour from dark to light. It must be stated clearly that having a grey aura isn’t bad, it’s just reflective of the emotional state of the person and is simply a mask obscuring the real aura colour of the person. Being a combination of black and white, and potentially other colours too, it’s difficult to pinpoint precisely what traits will be exhibited. A lighter colour may suggest only a subtle disturbance, such as soon after recovery from grief, whereas a darker hue may indicate deep sorrow almost to the point of black’s hopeless despair. There can also be a sense of lack of direction, motivation or purpose and this can be exacerbated by depression, exhaustion and a lack of vital life-force energy.

The good news is that grey can be shifted through dedicated healing practises and exercises in self-love. With support from friends and family, trusted partners and loved ones, they can recover and thrive, eventually revealing their true aura colour. Many healers and mentors actually demand the assistance from people with grey auras to hone their abilities. The healer needs someone to be healed and the mentor requires the mentee. It’s often the case that the healer also receives a healing from the interaction and the mentor learns from the mentee.   

Having a grey aura really is a call to make adjustments in our life. Are we following our passion? Do we even know what it is? Are there areas that are bringing us down? Do we feel stuck, stagnant, held back or buried in grief, shame or fear? What can we do to bring more light into our life? Are there steps that we can take to bring ourself more joy? Are there things that we love that we’re refusing to take part in? The most important step we can do in this situation is to recognise our own needs, prioritise ourself first and then move towards the positive polarity of Service to Others.

Black – Major Chakra blockages

A black aura is a sign of a serious malfunction in the chakra system. This could be due to a severe trauma or a string of several smaller ones. It’s not necessarily indicative of a negative person, someone who is evil, in other words. It’s just that negativity may have overwhelmed the person’s life to the point where vital life-force energy is extremely limited. There are some people that are exceedingly malevolent though with this aura type and so it’s important to use discernment. For most, it’s a phase and only temporary but there are some where it persists for the entirety of their lives. A psychopath, for example, may have this aura colour.

That’s not to say that we should be afraid of all people that are going through this. There are many that have simply lost their spark and have succumbed to a profound depression. The job of a healer is to help the individual reveal their true colours. Deep sadness and grief can be one of the reasons why this may occur and, in this case, support is frequently needed from others in order to bring them through the experience. A little uplift can go a long way. Kind words and a friendly ear may be enough to slightly shift the desperate situation. In other instances, energy work such as Quantum Healing, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, light and sound healing, regression therapy and so on can have massive benefits.

It’s important to note that these individuals will often feel a significant sense of being lost, hopeless, alone, weak, shameful, resentful, bitter, guilty and pitiable. Many have the ability to drain the life out of you, as a negative aura will absorb positive energy. We’ve all come across them at certain points and they must be handled with care so that we don’t get sucked into their black hole. Appropriate boundaries need to be set to prevent this from happening but it can provide a valuable learning opportunity that is mutually beneficial. A healer needs someone to heal and these can be the ideal candidates. Hope is certainly not lost for those with a black aura, things can and do change, it’s simply a matter of them wanting to bring themselves out of the situation that they find themselves in and a little love and support from those around them can be just the ticket.

Composite Colours

Pink – Root/Stellar Gateway Chakras

Less primal than red but still sensual and down to Earth due to the root chakra being dominant. Pinks are rare and rather delightful. They’re usually a bundle of positive energy, the life and soul of the party. Can be a little flighty and unpredictable and may be caught up in obsessive behaviours. They have a strong sense of aesthetics and are lovers of colour and may be drawn to creative pursuits because of this. They’re often playful, curious, humorous and joyous to be around.

They a exhibit a high drive for sensitivity, romance, loyalty, passion, peace and love. They usually have strong psychic abilities, self-discipline, active imaginations and are known for being generous and welcoming to a fault. In other words, the consummate host with plenty of joie de vivre. Friendships and loving connections are of paramount importance to these most genial of people and they can feel lost if isolated, as they tend to require others to bounce off.

Turquoise – Throat/Heart Chakras

A blend of blue and green, these people make excellent healers due to their empathic nature. They are heart-centred communicators with excellent sensitivity. This is offset, however, by a tendency to put others first before themselves, which can lead them to being taken advantage of and deprioritise self-care. They may also be hurt easily because their strong emotions make them feel every slight and can retreat into hermit mode and be defensive if this occurs. However, they are vibrant, energetic and helpful people and will go out of their way to assist others. Compassion is the key word here and they’re often drawn to professions that are in Service to Others. They have a calming effect and are able to put people at ease. They are exuberant and friendly, with a boundless optimism but refraining from naivety. They make excellent supportive friends and will be there for us in our time of need.

Chartreuse (yellow-green) – Solar Plexus/Heart

These are heart-based creative types, writers, artists, musicians and poets. Anything that allows them to express their emotions outwardly. They’re not so much on the communicative side with the spoken word but anything that requires a little bit of occasional solitude to create their masterpieces is exactly where they excel. The desire to share their gift makes them less constantly stuck in their hermitage behind closed doors and more sociable and gregarious. They’re characterised by their warmth and openness and make superb sunny and loving friends. They flip-flop between being ‘in here’ and being ‘out there’, like a breath of fresh air. Inhale, exhale. Balance is required for these people else they’re prone to burnout. Too much of one and not enough of the other can tip the scales and lead them into bouts of depression, these beings are the true social tight-rope walkers of the aura spectrum.

There are many other examples of composite colours and, as you should be able to tell, they are as varied and infinitely graded as the entire range of the rainbow. Some auras may be multi-coloured, that is to say have one core aspect and another two, three, four or even more hues to them. Once you start getting to know people on a more personal level, it will soon become apparent where they may fit. One indication could be what colour clothing they are attracted to. It’s often the case that their favourite colours are reflective of their aura. I often find that people unconsciously display the state of their aura through their attire. It’s not always that way though.

One thing to note is that the more faded and murky an aura is, the more likely the person is to experience negative emotions and ill-health. This may suggest that there is a blockage or under-activity in one or many Chakras. Intense and uncomfortable brightness in the aura may indicate overactivity, however, and a clean, clear and consistent colour representing the balance point. Auras are fascinating and eventually it’s likely that they’ll be widely used as a diagnostic tool. I’m reminded of Nikola Tesla’s words on this subject: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”.

From the book From Darkness Into The Light by J.J. Flanagan

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