Chakra Guide

Wheels of energy.

The Chakra system is commonly known in Hindu scripture since ancient times. This reached the West largely in the last century and now is widely understood by yoga practitioners. The Chakras (or wheels) are points where energy spins to create motion. Energy in motion, e-motion. Each point has a specific purpose and the vitally of each dictates the overall health of the human.

The optimal directional spin of the Chakras will depend on your sex. Males will start with a clockwise spin at the Root Chakra (at the base of the spine) and counter-clockwise for females; this will then alternate to counter-clockwise for the males in the Sacral Chakra (just below the navel) and clockwise for females, continuing this pattern up the spine like a snake. This is where the Greek symbol of the Caduceus came from with two snakes winding up a rod (the rod being the spine). Perched on the top of the rod is a pair of wings, which indicates spiritual enlightenment.

Kundalini is an energy that is stored at the base of the spine. It is experienced as an electrical current running up the spine and can be felt when performing yoga. A Kundalini Awakening is a profound experience where this electricity travels up the spine through the Chakras activating them in turn and then bursts through the top of the crown. It is said that enlightenment and liberation can be achieved once this has occurred. Many adepts use tantric practises, pranayama (breathing) techniques, meditation, yoga, yantras (mystical drawings or diagrams) and mantras (repeated sacred phrases) to activate the Kundalini.

Once this has been achieved, new worlds open up to the aspirant, new planes of existence emerge, visionary skills improve, divine knowledge is delivered and the devotee gains spiritual power. Sometimes this is through ardent practice and, on other occasions, it can be quite spontaneous, an interesting surprise you might say. During this time particularly, more spontaneous awakenings are expected, this is part and parcel of our evolution. If anyone is a fan of Doctor Who, then the experience feels like the regeneration process a Timelord experiences when they ‘die’ and change into the next version. In effect, the person before a Kundalini Awakening and after will be a very different being. Many go through profound changes in character, becoming more compassionate, empathetic, unable to lie easily, less violent and aggressive. A Kundalini Awakening can, quite comprehensively, open your mind.

Each Chakra has a function, which we will now go into. For optimal functioning of the human being, these have to be spinning correctly, without resistance or ‘sludginess’. Life events (or rather our perspective on them) can cause the Chakras to ‘blow out’. You will know when this happens and will likely be the result of a shock or trauma. Energy healers are proficient in getting these working again correctly, although this can also be done through ‘spiritual’ practises. Also, changing our perspective on events can help here, so too can the more traditional routes of therapy work, along with environmental changes if they are the cause of the imbalance.

The Chakras can be overactive, under-active or balanced. Overactive and under-active Chakras can lead to emotional and physical problems. The way we view the world has a profound effect on how our Chakras operate and, in turn, our Chakras have a profound effect on how we perceive reality. There are many ways to bring the Chakras into balance: yoga, meditation, scents, colours, sounds and nutrition being the key tools to get the job done. Nutrition can work wonders by eating the relevant coloured foods corresponding to the Chakra colour.

From the book 42: A Puppet Show For Angels by J.J. Flanagan

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