Crown  – Sahasrara

Connection to the Divine.
  • Colour: Clear or violet.
  • Location: Top of the head. Carotid Plexus and Pineal Gland.
  • Crystals: Clear Quartz, Tourmaline.
  • Function: Understanding, enlightenment, spirituality and relationship to the divine.
  • Physical symptoms of imbalance: Chronic exhaustion and sensitivity to light and sound, coma, brain tumours, amnesia, cognitive delusions, migraines, issues with sleep/wake cycle.
  • Events that can cause imbalance: Becoming a vampire and not getting enough sunlight. Being close-minded and not open to spiritual matters. Isolation.
  • Healing work: Yoga, meditation, sunlight, fresh air and nature.

The Crown Chakra is responsible for our connection with Universal energy. It is the point where energy enters the system from above. It is the gateway to wisdom and helps us to feel connected to the all that is. It also allows for communication with our Higher Self and the Angelic realms. In other words, a higher state of consciousness. The Crown Chakra also governs the distribution of energy throughout the other Chakras. It is important to note that we are receiving more information than ever before through our Crowns. This is due to the change in our sun’s activity. Many people are experiencing a higher frequency of ‘downloads’. This is basically Universal wisdom and energy.

Previously, it would take a fair bit of effort to get the Crown Chakra to open and there were some risks around doing so. Now, it appears that it is far easier to do this safely. With the advent of social media, it has allowed groups to connect that are having similar experiences. In the past, it would be a very isolating experience to go through a spiritual awakening. Many would be viewed as insane and even not so long ago people were being incorrectly diagnosed with a mental health condition, when a spiritual healing diagnosis would have been more appropriate.

Now that the light switch has been flipped, we are connecting more with our Divinity. That is to say, that some people are experiencing mystical occurrences on an almost daily basis. A connection to nature and grounding is absolutely vital for these folks, as spending too much time in the spiritual planes can cause a whole host of issues. Our bodies need nourishment too and it is important that we keep our feet on the ground whilst exploring the Infinite realms.

An overactive crown can lead to over-intellectualisation, ‘spiritual’ addiction, frustration, physical disassociation and confusion; while under-activity can lead to spiritual cynicism, learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, indecision, lack of joy, melancholy, overactivity in lower Chakras and apathy. A balanced Crown Chakra in a person provides traits of intelligence, awareness, open-mindedness, spiritual connection, spiritual love, compassion, harmony, focus, questioning mentality, broadness of understanding, inspiration, wisdom and mastery.

Eating mushrooms, cauliflower, white potatoes, garlic and drinking high alkaline and structured water, wearing white clothing and scents such as lavender, sage, rose, frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, melissa and helichrysum can help balance the Crown Chakra.    

Chanting the vowel sound “EEE”, at the top of your register (your highest note that you can manage comfortably), so that you feel the vibration in your crown region will help to stabilise this Chakra.

From the book 42: A Puppet Show For Angels by J.J. Flanagan

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