Sacral – Svadhishthana

The seat of creation.
  • Colour: Orange.
  • Location: Lower abdomen, sex organs, bladder, kidneys, adrenals.
  • Crystals: Carnelian, Orange Aventurine, Coral, Sunstone, Amber, Tangerine Quartz.
  • Function: Happiness, relationships, joy, sexuality, creativity, abundance, desire, fertility.
  • Physical symptoms of imbalance: Lower back pain, sciatica, decreased libido, pelvic pain, urinary problems, poor digestion, depressed immune system, low energy, hormonal problems, menstrual issues, spleen problems, knee issues, lack of flexibility.
  • Events that can cause imbalance: Toxic friendships, betrayal, addictions, sexual distortions.
  • Healing work: Yoga, hot baths, massage.

The Sacral Chakra is the well of our creativity. You want to know where your ‘creative juices’ come from, then this is the area to look at. It is also the region most closely associated with relationships. The quality of your connections are directed by the strength and balance of your Sacral Chakra. So too are your intimate relationships and sexuality guided by the energy flowing through this centre. This lower Chakra is also heavily suppressed and distorted amongst many of the inhabitants of this planet at this current point in time.

It is watery in its elemental form, which means that it relates to the emotions. It is also the centre of our feelings too and our ‘gut instincts’. Once we tap into this area and become aware of the energy flowing through it, we can start using it to gauge situations and to feel out certain relationships. It is also the pleasure centre and dictates whether we are able to give and receive sensual enjoyment. Blockages of this area are all too common and this affects our ability to create with freedom and joy.

We are sold a distorted view of sexuality and this, in turn, affects the functioning of this Chakra. Unfortunately, sex is viewed by many as just a route to get an orgasmic release. This is far from the full truth of the matter. It is a profound energetic connection that lasts a lifetime. Pick your partners wisely and make sure that your relationships are based on Love, otherwise you may find yourself needing healing in this area. This is not meant to be downbeat, just be conscious of who you are sharing your sexual energy with. You should still have fun while connecting with others, just use your discernment when taking the plunge. A heart-to-heart connection is paramount to making sure that health is optimal in this arena.

An overactive Sacral Chakra can lead to addictions, obsessions, emotional instability, selfishness, harmful pleasure seeking and oversensitivity; while under-activity can lead to apathy, guilt, insecurity, experiencing creative blocks, having poor relationships, fear of sex, lack of passion, desire and purposelessness. A balanced Sacral Chakra affords strong levels of intimacy, close relationships with other people, warmth, a vigorous libido, a sense of purpose, ability to let go, balanced emotions, enjoyment of healthy pleasures, high levels of creativity and abundance.

Eating oranges, carrots, peaches, mangoes, apricots, orange peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, honey, seeds and nuts, drinking carrot juice and orange juice, wearing orange clothing and scents of ylang ylang, wild orange, bergamot, lemongrass, patchouli, cinnamon, and clary sage can help to balance the Sacral Chakra.

Chanting the vowel sound “OOO”, at the correct pitch so that you feel the vibration just below the navel will help to stabilise this Chakra.

From the book 42: A Puppet Show For Angels by J.J. Flanagan

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