- Colour: Indigo.
- Location: Forehead between the eyes. Carotid Plexus, Pineal Gland and Pituitary Gland.
- Crystals: Amethyst.
- Function: Vision, thought, insight, intuition, wisdom, emotional and creative intelligence.
- Physical symptoms of imbalance: Cognitive delusions, migraines, headaches, amnesia, nightmares, eye-strain, learning difficulties, panic, depression, blindness, deafness, seizures, spinal dysfunctions.
- Events that can cause imbalance: Invalidation of intuition, frightening upbringing, reality doesn’t match expectations.
- Healing work: Visual art, meditation, dream work, memory work, guided visualisations.
So, do you want psychic senses and the mastery of the mind? Well, the Third-eye Chakra is really where it’s at. The pinecone symbol has cropped up all over the place, in many religions. In Ancient Egypt, the Eye of Horus was used to depict the Pineal Gland. This gland secretes a substance known as Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and it is the most powerful psychedelic on the planet. Ayahuasca rituals are performed to generate this in massive quantities in order to induce a profound mystical experience. This is not ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ like your governments will try to tell you. They are behaving ‘illegally’ according to natural law by denying this substance to the people, along with other psychedelics and cannabis, which are pushed underground to further pollute the energetic signature that they carry. It is simply a tool of control to prevent people from going against the grain and to distort the healing quality that a visionary experience can provide, however, these states can be triggered naturally through meditation. It isn’t necessary to take something external in order to generate a mystical experience. In fact, it may be more preferable to do this all by yourself.
Many dullards will have problems with their Third-eye. It is not their fault. Ingestion of heavy metals and toxins such as fluoride have led to the under-performance of this region. Along with vaccines and other disturbing pharmaceutical concoctions that have attacked our bodies with unrelenting remorseless spite, it’s no wonder that many people suffer from a lack of imagination and are a bit slow on the uptake. A population can be easily controlled without insight, intuition, vision and wisdom. Most of our technology can cause problems with the Third-eye. Particularly the television, our computers and mobile devices. Overuse of these affects melatonin production which governs the sleep/wake cycle. Dreams are so important for us to be able to achieve our full visionary potential.
An overactive Third-eye Chakra can lead to delusions, hallucinations, obsessions, poor concentration, nightmares, mental fogginess and confusion; while under-activity can lead to poor memory, lack of imagination, close mindedness, difficulty with visualisation, poor intuition and depression. A balanced Third-eye Chakra provides strong imagination, intuition, the ability to think symbolically, physic abilities, clairvoyance, telepathy, big picture thinking, good memory and perception
Eating raw cacao, plums, aubergine, purple grapes, prunes, blackberries, elderberries, black currants, sultanas, figs, purple potatoes, purple asparagus, purple peppers, purple cabbage and drinking prune, grape, black currant or elderberry juice, wearing purple clothing and scents of clary sage, cypress, frankincense, sandalwood and vetiver can help balance the Third-eye Chakra.
Chanting the vowel sound “AAY”, so that you feel the vibration in the middle of your forehead region will help to stabilise this Chakra.
From the book 42: A Puppet Show For Angels by J.J. Flanagan