
Which station are we on?

This particular ability is going to sound crazier than a box of soapy frogs, except it has been carried out by humans since the dawn of time. Many of the superstitious persuasion will claim demonic possession whenever someone performs this particular feat but all of us are channeling constantly without even knowing it.

Whenever we switch on our TV set, we select a channel and tune into a particular creation; a stream of information that we absorb into our own consciousness. This is precisely what happens in the traditional sense of what a channel or medium actually does. They tune into a frequency band of a particular entity or collective group of entities psychically to process information being sent telepathically to their being. This may sound impossible but the phenomenon is very real indeed.

We may be a single point of consciousness but this is linked to every entity in existence of every polarity. It’s conceivable that we can connect to anything that we wish and download that particular consciousness into our own to provide insight into a particular challenge that we’re facing at any given time. Such is the nature of reality that this isn’t restricted by time or whether the being is on the corporeal plane of existence. We can tap into those that have passed over and those that are here right now.

We can channel someone else to create art. Musicians are often said to be channeling a particular influence that they’ve had in the past. If someone produces a particularly funky track with exceptional guitar-work, they could be channeling Prince. Alternatively, an artist may produce something that’s in the style of someone else living or dead. A particularly vibrant view of the Yorkshire Dales may be channeling David Hockney, for example. He’s still alive and kicking at this point in time.

What really bakes our noodle is when we observe an alien entity being channelled. It takes a huge leap of faith to accept that we aren’t alone in this universe. The breadth and scale of the amount of civilisations out there is breathtaking. I’m only just scratching the surface when I focus on the dozen or so known races that are interfacing with humanity at this time, when in fact they are as abundant as the number of people on the Earth. This is the idea behind intelligent infinity. Imagine the number of races being as plentiful as grains of sand on the beach and you’ll get my point. On this world alone, there’s such a rich tapestry of diversity, that if we were really to see all of what was going on with clear eyes, we’d be walking around rapt in a state of awe.

There are some notable channels such as Edgar Cayce, who was a famous clairvoyant that was able to channel his higher self: a more highly evolved version of himself. The notorious ceremonial magician, Aleister Crowley, channeled a being known as Aiwass, which is likely to be a negative Grey ET. The less well-known but amazing, Darryl Anka, is in contact with a wonderfully kind and astute Essassani being called Bashar.

There are many channellers that provide words of encouragement to people that are awakening at this time through social media. Some, on the other hand, are more negative with their communications. This could be due to their own personal distortions filtering the information to fit their particular belief system. It could be that their personality is interjecting and overriding the data coming through or they are connected to an entity that doesn’t have the wellbeing of humanity in mind. It’s pretty easy to spot these people, however, as when we read or listen to what they’re saying we get a funny feeling that something is amiss. It’s likely to be a message of doom and gloom, a remonstration that we’re not doing enough or a list of edicts that we should follow. Channels like these can be viewed with a certain amount of humour once we see through the facade. It’s the personality getting in the way of the message or a hostile entity running amok.

There are mediums that focus solely on contacting dead relatives to relay messages back to those in the land of the living. They are hit and miss at times and the subject of ridicule. As with any profession, there are some that are exceptionally talented and others that are terrible. Unfortunately, the less reputable ones let down the rest of their peers by giving out false information. “Do you know anyone called Sarah?”, they may say.

Finally, the most interesting channels that I come across are those that combine various different disciplines. They are the Light Language healers that connect to a variety of benevolent beings and are able to take people on a guided meditation using their voice or instruments such as gongs and crystal bowls. They frequently intersperse their transmissions with words of wisdom and showcase their artistic creations in order to activate dormant abilities and open the minds of their audiences. Amongst this group, I’ve found the type of channel that matches my disposition perfectly, as they often have a flair for the ceremonial and their work is laced with light-hearted humour and, most of all, fun! Who said that the spiritual path had to be dour?

From the book From Darkness Into The Light by J.J. Flanagan

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