
Healing power of at our fingertips.

This modality is simply wonderful. If you’ve ever had a Reiki session, then you will know that it is a very relaxing experience and, in this day and age, there is nothing more important than being able to trigger the relaxation response. It was created in Japan by Mikao Usui in the 1800s, however, this was simply a rediscovery of our ancient powers coming to the surface again. Let’s face it, in the Christian Bible, there are countless descriptions of Jesus being able to heal by simply laying on hands. Reiki has an awesome synergy with Light Language and other healing modalities and is often paired with Angelic connection, although it’s not necessary to do so.

Reiki can be split down into two parts, Rei or the Divine and Ki or Life Force. Now, remember the section where I spoke about Life imitating art? Well, The Force is used by Rey in ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ to heal Ben Solo (Kylo Ren – Ren means “lotus” in Japanese) by laying on hands. Can you see the not so hidden parity here? You might pass off the Star Wars films as merely Science Fiction and your rational mind may kick in and say, well, that’s impossible. All I can say is, yes, it’s not possible for most Reiki practitioners to do this at this point in time, however, we are only at the beginning stages of discovering our true powers.

The Force is known by many names: Chi, Qi, Prana, Holy Spirit, Mana and so on. It is no coincidence that the first Star Wars film in the new trilogy was called ‘The Force Awakens’. It is prophetic in that it speaks Truth. Many Jedi are coming online at this point in time and are learning the ways of The Force. Although, we don’t call them that, they are known as Lightworkers. In other words, they work with the Light to produce positive effects in their environments. We have just exited a dark age or Kali Yuga in Hindu mythology and this is when the forces of darkness have been in control of the world. These Sith Lords have been hiding in the shadows, yet in full view of us. They have been our leaders, our prominent public figures, top businessmen, celebrities and people in positions of power and influence. Yet, behind the scenes, they have hidden their true identities, they have succumbed to the dark side of The Force.

We shouldn’t blame them for this, it is all part of the Divine Plan. Anyone and I mean anyone, can be tempted by the dark side. All it takes is to switch off the Lovelight inside your heart. Turn away from Love and towards hatred, anger, bitterness, power, control, fear, lust and greed and that’s when the dark side has you in its grip. It’s as simple as saying: “Fuck other people, I only care about me”. That attitude is precisely what the dark side banks on. The sense of selfishness, competition, narcissism and scant regard for others.

The issue is, at this point in time, we all have our dark side. It is also known as the Shadow. The more that we accept this rather than push it away, the lighter the Shadow becomes and can eventually be dissolved. Now, I haven’t done this work yet, I’m still fighting against my own internal feelings of ‘badness’, of ‘wrongness’. It is extremely intense. It controls large portions of my day through feelings of anxiety, worry and self-loathing. This is sometimes projected onto the outside world through my actions and words. Reiki helps with these ‘negative’ emotions and helps us to shift the feelings of density. 

“Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected.” — Carl Jung

Reiki helps to get the Chakras functioning correctly. This, as we’ve seen in the chapter about Chakras, is vital for the emotional and physical health of the human being. It is less difficult to face the Shadow when you’re reasonably healthy. I implore you though, do not listen to the stories stating that this modality is a ‘pseudoscience’ or some other nefarious claptrap. Human science is extremely limited in its perspective and it is tied into some very large sums of money. The money rules the science and the narrative at the moment. Imagine if people were to know that they could heal themselves and others? There would be no need for the pharmaceutical industry. That would not do at all.

It is slowly creeping into the mass consciousness that something is amiss, however, some people have not yet realised that their family members that have got sick and have subsequently died weren’t killed by the disease, they were killed by the ‘cure’. I’ve seen it too often in my own Life, where doctors have harmed rather than healed. Largely, this is not their fault. Many have been trained to follow the protocols laid out before them. Their very jobs are on the line if they step outside of the conventional boundaries. There can be serious repercussions for them if they go against the grain. Some brave souls are starting to speak out though and are abiding by the Hippocratic Oath.

We need to be able to free ourselves from the shackles of greed. Health shouldn’t be an ‘industry’. There shouldn’t be a mandate for keeping the population sick and distressed. This is what we see in our outside reality through toxic food, pesticides, GMOs, polluted air and water, EMFs, constant workplace stress, alcohol and tobacco, fear, diseases man-made or otherwise, medicines that harm and don’t heal, sedentary lifestyles stuck to machines all day, even our modes of exercise focus on looks rather than optimal health. It’s all upside-down and back-to-front. All of it messes with our energetic system.

It’s worth mentioning that not all conventional medicine is ‘bad’ but it shouldn’t be the first line of defence, it should be the last option when all else fails. There are technologies available, not on this planet, that will do away with the need for these though. Reiki, when developed to its highest potential, can cure very serious and even terminal illnesses. The new technologies harness this same energy but it doesn’t require a physical being to channel it through them. If the human being performing the Reiki is not sufficiently aligned and healthy, the treatment may not be as effective. In general, when I’ve sought out healing, the healthier the Reiki practitioner, the more I’ve got out of the session.   

Reiki also uses symbols, to parallel with Light Language and these can be drawn, traced in the air or transmitted through the eyes, which behave like focused laser beams coming out of our skulls. Have you ever looked at someone from a distance and then they’ve suddenly turned around because they’ve sensed your gaze? That’s because energy is emitted from the two black holes, your pupils, and connects with their energetic field (or Aura). Black holes, are objects that emit high energy photons, you need to understand that fully. Do you realise that you are the Universe? The microcosm of the macrocosm

And so Reiki utilises Universal energy to promote wellness in human beings. Not before too long, this will be common knowledge and, when this occurs, the Jedi will rise once again and the reign of the Sith will be over. The dark days of The Empire are numbered, it is time for us to take our place with the rest of the Galaxy. This is the new age of Light.

From the book 42: A Puppet Show For Angels by J.J. Flanagan

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