Spirit Animals & Guides

Help is on the way.

We all have a spirit team. These are entities working with us from behind the scenes. We may not know that they are there but they have a profound effect on our lives. Some are silent witnesses, others take a more active role. How much we are aware of them depends on where we are in our awakening journey; the seeing of them is not with the outer physical eyes, it’s with the inner eye, the imagination.

I first encountered my spirit animals during a shamanic voyage; it was a meditation with Light Language invocations and drumming. I was elated and moved to tears when they appeared. I thought that I’d never see my two cat companions again during this lifetime. It soon became apparent that they were just around the corner, waiting for me to get into the right position to perceive them. Prior to this, I’d experienced dead family members contacting me after their death; it never occurred to mind though that the souls of animals could do this too. My two cats are now stalwarts during my inner adventures where they fulfil the dual roles of protectors and healers; their presence soothes and relaxes me and it opens my heart to love, the strongest force in the Universe.

It isn’t just our own spirit animals that we can interface with. During Quantum Healing sessions, I’ve been introduced to a pair of wolves connected to the healer. This book is dedicated to her; Kristen has been my companion on many adventures even though she is situated in Perth, Australia, across the other side of the world. She has my profound thanks for her contribution to this creation. I couldn’t have done it without her friendship and love. It seemed fitting that my felines would delicately balance her canines in a yin yang fashion. I could see them play-fighting together in my mind’s-eye before working on my energetic body synergistically; it’s plain that these entities are kindred spirits. They would gambol and lark about and snuggle up together.

It all began just after my Walk-in experience, this connection to the spirit world; my grandad came to me after his funeral. It came as quite the surprise. His disposition was diametrically opposed to his countenance in life. He was free from the fetters of corporeal corruption. That is to say, all grudges had been dropped and he was an entirely benevolent presence. He was there to teach me the art of patience. He would drop in these two words now and again, “Slow down”. He had tried to show me this while he was alive but failed to do so. In his passing, he was able to achieve his mission. He is always with me and continues to be a potent ally.

My mother coming through was one that caused a significant amount of upset. It had been traumatising to watch her die and also illuminating. I had an extremely close connection with her growing up, we were thick as thieves at points. She made her exit relatively early; I was in University at the time. This was precisely as it was meant to be. She suffered for a long time with breast Cancer and that eventually overtook her. Her parting wish was that we should, “Keep the family together”. The fates do not look kindly on those that rebel against these heartfelt pleas. She appeared after I’d met my cats in spirit; her image was identical to the force ghosts that appear at the end of Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi. Bathed in golden light was she and totally translucent. She often puts her finger to her lips; this is a signal for me to, “Shut the hell up and listen”. She also has a habit of putting her hands on my shoulders. She also puts her hand in mine. She pops in to say, “Hello”, every now and again; mostly when I recall her strongly. In fact, right now she is guiding my hand away from distractions and back onto the keyboard. “Write it!”, she says. She often stays mute but this message is coming in loud and clear. “Use the force Jim”. That force is love.

Those that have passed over possess a wisdom that exceeds the ordinary. They see what we can’t see, a bigger picture at play. Ancestor spirits are present when they are remembered. It just so happens that my father is working on the family tree. As he does so, he performs a service to them. They are recalled and attend by his side and are made alive once more. He’s a brilliant detective, I have discovered, and as he shares his knowledge of the family history with me, my appreciation for where I come from grows. It has become apparent that none of them had easy lives; all of them were from working class stock, save for my other grandfather on my father’s side. He broke the chain of poverty which allowed my father to shine.

There are other beings that alight with us on our path, those ascended masters that have been here before. We may have a special connection with one or more of these great luminaries. For me, it has been Mary Magdalene & Jesus. They will come to me either singularly or together. They have bright white auras and are usually robed and hooded. They have often given gifts and tokens to place in my heart. As they exist in a place that is beyond time, they can visit multiple people simultaneously, and so many share these connections. It’s not that I’m special, in that way.

Another group that I’m associated with are the ‘gods’ of Egypt. I’ve learned quickly, that these entities are vast collective intelligences. They have an archetypical quality about them and overlight many worlds. Anubis stood guard to the Akashic records; I was thrust into his company when I performed an angelic ritual, a ceremony that has been rediscovered. He greeted me warmly, and then placed my head into his gaping maw. He did not chomp down on my astral form, he licked my forehead instead. This was to demonstrate that not all beings are serious and severe, a sense of humour is still retained. It will depend on the sensibilities of the individual, however, as to what they will experience. I got Anubis’s playful side because that still exists within me. As the doors to the Akashic records were flung open, thousands of souls poured out of the gates. This was a representation of all of my past, parallel and future lives. I couldn’t see their faces or make out any distinguishing features as they were shrouded in bright golden light. Anubis is a canine from the Dog Star, Sirius A. This is a place that I have been to before in a previous life. I can’t remember the incarnation clearly yet but it’s an ever present influence on my current existence. I sometimes look up to the brightest star in the night’s sky and long to go home. Less now, these days, as I’m finding planet Earth much more palatable.

By way of a contrast, the feline race is represented by Bastet and Sekhmet. These are two of the representatives of the Lyran species. The felines have ascended to a level that is beyond human comprehension, words will not be sufficient to describe their capabilities, however, they form the template for cats here on Earth. I’d meet Bastet, who I’d met before during my encounter with the Greys, and Sekhmet later during the same shamanic journey where my two cats appeared in spirit. With Marley and Bastet on the left hand side and Tiki, my second cat, and Sekhmet on the right. These eminent beings stood behind the cats as they played about my astral body. When we look upon the animals that we accompany in this life with spiritual eyes, we can see that they are connected to the eternal web just as we are. They are also supported by luminaries themselves, so it’s best to deal with their physical forms with reverence. Who would want to arouse the ire of the ‘gods’? These intelligences are a part of our spirit team and can be called upon in a pinch; so, treat their emissaries wisely.

Another type of guide may be considered to be mythical. Merlin, for example, attends to magical works. The Arthurian legends are more than just stories. We could consider the great sorcerer to be an egregore, just like the ‘gods’, however, it goes beyond that. He’s strongly connected to the dragon realm, which is where we will go to next.

From the book From Darkness Into The Light by J.J. Flanagan

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