
Abiding Faith, Forbearance, Turbulent Skies, Ripening Justice, Refuse Hatred, Victory Draws Nigh.

Realm: Unity

Archetype: The Warrior

Zodiac: Libra

Crystal: Beryl

An obsidian-winged angel stands strong upon fractured earth, black pinions spread in lavish display like a raptor defiant to stormwinds howling. Hands pressed together in reverent heart-centred mudra, her presence conveys sacred wisdom and graceful benediction over a beleaguered landscape. Dark warrior eyes have witnessed starfire chaos raging and the peace found beyond all duality. Calm amidst the gale, she navigates whirlwinds to solace wearied souls.

She moves beyond convention’s neat divisions into paradox’s unity. Where fearful minds perceive only broken fragmentation, she finds the whole reflected through its parts. Worldly eyes blinded by disaster lose hope, yet she sees the space where darkness births the light. Her faith abides beyond transient troubles, knowing this too shall pass as night yields to dawn. She breathes slowly to maintain equipoise while lesser spirits stumble off balance.

Turbulent skies mirror the mind’s own storms which sap conviction if left untended. But chaos brings cleansing before a new order crystallises. Trust there are no eternal defeats for those aligned with truth’s trajectory. What glimmers over horizons shall transform desolation in due course. Be still and know purification is underway. Set right intent to summon destiny’s noble relief forces.

You have the forbearance to withstand the churn between shifts. Centre energy and maintain patience above erratic impulse through trying crucibles. Though the world may counsel reaction for fleeting gain, the long view sees justice ripening slowly against malice in the fullness of time. Without condoning wrongs, high-hearted beings must model understanding that light too lives in oppressors. Darkness signals their own torment, demanding compassion over rage or disgust to absorb its virulence. Wisdom rests in refusing easy hatred.

Maintain your temple within against the toxic siege beyond bodily walls. In grace offered toward hardened exteriors, hearts can crack and heal. Stay true to your heart-centred nature. Peace prevails through principled discipline, honouring human dignity where it is lacking. The divine lives in victims and aggressors alike. Bless all who suffer from the great sleep. Victory draws nigh.

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