
Embracing Darkness, Lost Heavens, Terrible Beauty, Exploring Shadow Lands Within, Occult Mystery, Secret Fire.

Realm: Astral

Archetype: The Ruler

Zodiac: Capricorn

Crystal: Jacinth

A formidable overlord perches upon a ravine edge, obsidian wings spread like a fell dragon defiant to raging infernos swirling below. Dark crimson flower adorning her onyx mane, skin alabaster against the garnet conflagration, she holds court amidst the purgatorial blaze. Fearsome yet beautiful, she is deity and demoness in splendid fusion. Do not mistake her for a delicate wraith – tempestuous power simmers below the genteel façade. She wields old magic to shape wayward souls, guiding them toward destiny or ruin. Her shadowy aureole marks an angel who fell willingly from grace for failures of pride or passion. For this breach of cosmic law, the celestial heights exiled her to walk between worlds alone, belonging to none. She turned existence into her own dominion.

Her iron spine and flinty bearing reflect worldly mastery and inflexible discipline. Hard trial has honed soft gold into an unbreakable blade – forged through agonising acumen into pragmatic vision securing hard-won victories. Yet under the warlord’s trappings lies a dreamer who still aches for lost heavens. None can glimpse her estranged divinity and remain unchanged. To behold such terrible beauty is to be broken open then reformed. One either rises renewed through her painful tutelage or flees fractured by the revealing light. Properly honoured, she awakens the godseed within each mortal charge until angels stand again on earth. But vain hearts insist on pursuing false idols and surface power, only to reap dark awakening.

The gates to her enigma realm open through attuning one’s inner senses. Its glowing streams realign our antennae toward wisdom wavelengths beyond judge’s blind bandwidth. Seek her nebulous council to illuminate shadow lands yet unexplored within. But beware, once her occult mysteries ensnare imagination’s thirst, daylight existence grows pallid against the dreaming mind she fosters. The rose always unfurls new petals. Will you grasp poetry or thorns from this thicket? Tread respectfully.

She has descended from untouchable peaks to walk alongside equally-flawed earthbound kin. Will you accept the outstretched hand from this fallen angel to guide passage through the secret fire? Mind your steps, her love is not gentle. But those hardened into diamond by her alchemy know awaits a special destiny. Heed the Daemoness’s call.

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