Deep Rest

Quiet Arrival, Stop Chasing, Nourishing Surrender, Lay Burdens Aside, Blossoming Grace, Homecoming.

Realm: Emotional

Archetype: The Caregiver

Zodiac: Cancer

Crystal: Beryl

A lone dreamer lies nestled in woodland haven, leafy mattress supporting her curled form in tranquil repose. Dappled sunlight filters through the embrace of kindly oaks, casting their intricate lacework in golden filigree upon her resting silhouette. A delicate chorus trills gentle arias, sparrows serenading stillness. From the unseen, ephemeral guardians keep noble watch, flanking vulnerability with veneration. In this sanctuary beyond striving, her visionary mind at long last at peace. No more questing for elusive answers amidst impermanent things. Gone the compulsion to wrest meaning from mystery through sheer effort. She has voyaged deep into the labyrinths of yearning and now surfaces to bask in quiet arrival. Her seeking soul can stop its chasing through endless corridors that lead ultimately back to source. Surrounded by beauty bare and abiding, she remembers herself beloved child cradled in divine arms.

The sun beams down celestial succour from verdant boughs, nourishing surrender beyond wilfulness. No more hunger perpetually seeking outer completion; at last she claims her rightful seat at the eternal feast. Wandering pilgrim no more, she boldly lays burdens aside to swim in streams of grace. Effortless being, unwarranted mercy in the forest’s mottled light, butterflies tracing sacred spirals – this is soul’s native atmosphere.

She models embodied awakening, showing spirit and matter woven exquisitely as One. To every illuminated vision must follow this descent into sensorial renewal, else ungrounded ideas inflate egos but deflate hearts. Nourishing soil roots each tree in prodigious potential. So may we too ripen future’s fruit through integrating spirit’s immanence. Attuned now to nature’s subtle speech, no more tossing and turning under mind’s barrage. Grace takes root then blossoms of its own accord. Achieving mind dissolves as beauty guides each step through the breathing woods. Heartfulness flowers in stillness revealing essence no thought could ever grasp. Soul threading world together strand by luminous strand asks no questions, only continues weaving its homecoming.

Here remembrance requires no strain or method, no achievement or arduous practice. All that is longed for suddenly appears brighter than day surrounding the dreamer enrobed in morning’s gentle haze. Beloved, beloved the smiling silence speaks. Might we answer simply, I am here.

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