Dragon Queen

Transformative Destruction, Purifying Flame, Cosmic Order, Purging Decay, Phoenix Cycles, Inner Dragons.

Realm: Divine

Archetype: The Warrior

Zodiac: Leo

Crystal: Sardius

Amidst incendiary environs, a fiery queen exultantly whirls and sways, caressing the winged wyrmlings twirling around her naked form. They land and take flight, scorching earth and igniting air, mirroring the infernal dance of their mistress. Her draconic brood know well her molten core of strength. She is destruction’s muse, purging decay to clear ground for life’s renewal. Her ways appear catastrophic to those blind to nature’s phoenix cycles – annihilation preceding creation. But forces that devastate also empower rebirth. This is the way of dragons.

Yet the laws of the cosmos bind her elemental chaos within sacred bounds. She respectfully courses destruction through planes ripe for conflagration, transmuting entropy into ordered vitality. Patiently she watches civilisations calcify until the clarion call comes to incinerate all but the worthy with purifying flame.

Those who accept impermanence understand her role – terrible yet necessary for existence’s continuity. But the shortsighted condemn her as callous and capricious. Still she loves all life, even that which clings desperately to existence razed by her fire. Her wrath, though ferocious, is free of malice. Forgiveness flows forth soon as the last ember cools. She has a sacred duty to perform.

Call upon the dragon queen when the old must make way for life’s next unfolding. Let the heat from the forge’s crucible dissolve you into molten liquid. Let her fearlessness temper you into steel to endure the passage ahead. Though perceptions burn away, your core essence grows resplendent – changing form but never destroyed. Your flesh is the phoenix; your spirit, the flame.

Yet move with care lest your own inner dragons grow to unleash uncontrollable fury. Seek balance between waves of chaos and order, destruction and creation. Master your fire before presuming to direct it outward. Pay heed when her card appears – change comes apace. Prepare yourself for a necessary burning away. Have courage, what arises from the ashes bears fruit beyond present knowing. All will be purified.

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