Life And Soul

Grounded Hedonism, Embrace Absurdity, Free Expression, Dance, Dance, Dance.

Realm: Physical

Archetype: The Jester

Zodiac: Leo

Crystal: Chrysolite

An extravagantly dressed couple greets us with beckoning eyes. Their bodies entwined on a moonlit forest path. Delicate tattoos adorn their faces like ceremonial masks, hinting at their role as harbingers of revelry and mischief. Their flamboyant attire speaks to lives lived fuelled by the creative fires of inspiration. Atop the gentleman’s head rests a black top hat cheekily positioned at a jaunty angle, while his partner’s lacy gown pays homage to the stylish dark romantics of ages past.

These charming companions embody the perfect paradox of grounded hedonists. They know life is to be savoured through the senses and should be shared generously among friends. Though at home in their bodies and passions, their heads remain light and their spirits free. They live for beauty, pleasure and play, welcoming each new encounter as a dance partner.

Yet frivolity complements their depth and sincerity. They feel deeply and love with abandon. Their infectious humour and willingness to make fools of themselves dispels pretence and self-importance. They reveal the utter absurdity of social masks and empty formality. None escape their playful provocations unchanged. Their vibrant energy lights up every room and infuses vitality into all present. They follow their expressive muse wherever she leads, manifesting her magic into the world. Around them swirls a portal of light, the realms beyond this earthly plane supporting their mission to bright more merriment into this world.

They ask us to join them – and how could we refuse? Sometimes we all need to cut loose, tie one on and party. There’s something about dancing that moves the spirit and liberates the soul. It creates moments and memories that are legendary. There’s nothing wrong with shaking off our inhibitions and getting down to it. Take the spotlight and let out the exhibitionist within. It’s time to celebrate the divine gift of being fully alive. Our dancing feet remind us to embrace the passionate gift of now. And, when we do so, joy awaits unleashed. Be the life and soul.

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