Realm: Causal
Archetype: The Lover
Zodiac: Cancer
Crystal: Chrysoprase
A figure adrift in a waking nightmare stands cradling a fragile page etched with revelations from spheres concerning affairs the heart. Eyelids seal shut in overwhelmed reverie, delicate fingers pressed dramatically to furrowed brow as she integrates wicked words. She hopes emotional excess might be tempered into wisdom’s measured actions. As invisible swords plunge through flesh and bone to draw heart’s blood, there is no defence. Mind cannot overcome feeling’s tumult.
Pain rends spirit asunder. Water impotent to unquenchable thirst. Food inedible despite starvation’s bite. There is no antidote to suffering so profound. No tonic to ease soul’s quake. Weak foundations shake towers to the ground. Where to go when all is lost and burned to ash? What to do when stability’s fulcrum has been smashed? Tend easily grave wounds inflicted by love’s ruin.
Bitter fruit is harvested from sick trees. Toxic poison accumulates awaiting purgatorial excise. Rotting wood must be stripped away and branches pruned. Those arbors that cannot thrive should be felled and thrown upon the pyre. Fuel it may be but cold-flame carries no heat. Passion lost in desolation’s decay. Where is the spark when lovelight has been snuffed out? Only stumps remain for those that fall to axe’s wrath. A memory of what once was now destroyed. The rest is charred remains.
“This too will pass”, is no solace in these times. The hours and minutes slow to a dull crawl. Pace must be delicate and methodical. Healing deep grief is a labour of self-love – nurturing oneself back to wholeness. Perhaps on the way back through the forest, the letter will be buried under soft soil. New growth springing from dread’s parchment. Endings often do not seem like beginnings at first sight. It’s only with clear vision after moments spent in solitude that we finally see the light. The sun’s rays appear through silver-clouded gloom. Rain’s tears cease their saltwater cascade across cheeks. We begin to feel alive again after death’s embrace. We let go. We move on – eventually.