Three powerful Archangels, three benevolent Ascended Masters and three mighty Dragons greet you to share their wisdom. Allow the Archangels to provide comfort, encouragement and protection, the Ascended Masters to provide sage instruction and the Dragons to leave you in awe. They are intended to be read – past, present and future starting from left to right. A simple, yet effective, spread for easy reading.


Droom – Shadow

Enigmatic creature of darkness, Droom vanishes into shadows, controlling the unknown. Master of all that is unconscious, he grants invisibility and stealth powers, embodying the deep mysteries lurking in realms of shadow. All that is unseen is his.

Unconscious | Unseen | Mysteries
Silver Ray

Slink – Silver

Elegant and reflective, Slink of the Silver Ray channels higher-dimensional celestial etheric energies of divine feminine wisdom. She facilitates access to divine knowledge through contact with celestial beings and luminaries overlighting our way. 

Reflective | Feminine | Knowledge

Sophia – Mother of Dragons

Sophia, primal Mother Goddess, breathed life into the formless void. Her divine wisdom birthed the world and all creation. She nurtures existence, tends awakening’s flowering in all beings, and teaches the alchemy of actualising sacred potential.

Actualising | Sacred | Alchemy
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Raziel’s indigo ray, activates the Third Eye, granting mystic vision. Opening gateways to spiritual realms, he helps us access multi-dimensional truths, guiding individuals on a profound journey of inner exploration to new territories.

Activates | Mystic | Gateways
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Chamuel, uplifts with wisdom and compassion, radiates tenderness and profound power. His energy brings clarity and peace, promoting a deep sense of empowerment and guiding the quest for purpose and harmony. Can you hear the soul’s call?

Tenderness | Uplifts | Purpose
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Michael serves as a Spiritual Leader. He wields the Violet Flame for cleansing and electric blue fire for protection. Famous for his flashing sword, Michael leads our spiritual evolution and calls people to step into their power and sovereignty.

Sovereignty | Leads | Evolution
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Embodiment of wisdom, insight and intuition. Radiates the Yellow and Golden Rays from his retreat in Kashmir. His keen discernment guides inner sight growth, direct spiritual perception independent from the limited human senses. Go inward to expand.

Insight | Growth | Perception
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Sanat Kumara

Linked to the Golden Ray, Sanat Kumara, Guardian of Earth, fosters spiritual evolution. His guidance supports individuals to overcome challenges, transcend limitations, and create alignment with their soul’s divine purpose. Persist with resilience.

Transcend | Alignment | Challenges
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Djwal Khul

Known fondly as the Tibetan. The Yellow Ray emits esoteric wisdom from his remote ashram. Disciples worldwide receive telepathic transmissions unveiling the science of soul transformation and the mysteries of existence. Quiet the mind.

Telepathic | Mind | Science
03 Greco-Roman Poseidon Neptune


God of the seas, brother of Zeus, Poseidon brandishes his trident to summon tsunamis and storms, overseeing oceans and aquatic realms. Sailors pay homage to this volatile deity, both feared and relied upon. Calm savage weather within through love.

Feared | Volatile | Storms
12 Norse - Skadi


Imposing goddess of winter, snow, and the hunt, prefers the icy wilds and solitude to Asgard. A formidable archer, she hunts and skis fearlessly under winter’s grey skies. She still yearns for her mountain giant home. Be at peace where you are.

Peace | Prefers | Solitude
Hindu - Hanuman


Revered figure in Hinduism, epitomises devotion and strength. As Lord Rama’s devoted disciple, he displays unparalleled courage and loyalty, symbolising unwavering dedication and selfless service. When we serve others, we serve all.

Selfless | Devoted | Dedication


Delightful charmer, eyes full of mirth, your joy bubbles over with each bounce and spin. Frolic to approach life lightly, seeking fun and amusement in all things. Your beaming spirit stirs us to smile more easily, embracing happiness as our natural state.

Beaming | Bubbles | Bounce


Armoured titan thundering across the plains, mighty horn leading the charge. Awaken us to primordial resilience, the power to withstand storms and break barriers, stampeding forth with unflinching determination, to have thick skin and tender heart.

Tender | Thundering | Titan


Symbol of grace and speed, representing swift and sublime movement. Its gentle nature shows us how to move through life gracefully, with focus and elegance. Moving rapidly from one destination to the next, executing manoeuvres flawlessly.

Swift | Sublime | Elegance
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