The history of the Zeta Reticuli is one of crisis and transformation. Their story begins on a planet located in the Lyran star system hundreds of thousands of years ago. It was a diverse, passionate world, not unlike Earth today. But over time, severe toxicity and radiation from atomic technology devastated the planet’s surface. Facing catastrophe, groups of Zetas built underground shelters to preserve their species. There they evolved smaller bodies to conserve space, large almond-shaped eyes to see in the subterranean dark, and a mutated digestive system to ingest nutrients through their skin. Their large cranium capacity to cope with enhanced mental abilities made natural childbirth difficult. Without natural birth, they relied on cloning, deliberately breeding out emotions in an effort to eliminate conflict. Eventually, they lost the reproductive system entirely as it had become unnecessary.

When they finally emerged back to the surface of their world, they discovered their planet had shifted through space-time to the Reticulum system. Different factions spread out among the stars, the benevolent Zetas remaining in Reticulum, while more negative groups built colonies elsewhere. Having shed most emotion, the Zetas focused inward on unity and mental evolution. But in studying humans, who resemble their ancient ancestors, some of the Zetas recognised a lost part of themselves – feeling. 

The larger part of their collective on the negative spectrum saw this as inconsequential. Their view is that feeling is a less evolved trait and that love is a “Waste of energy”. They are currently employing a strategy to try to shape the Universe in their own image. Their clandestine activities are an attempt to create many more of them, turning civilisations into Greys and nudging evolution in that direction. Deals have been made with these groups in secret, promising technology for research subjects.  

On the negative side, the abduction experience can be horrendous, with the Zetas paying scant regard to the comfort of their subjects, effectively treating them like lab rats or worse. We can be locked in cages for extended periods and mutilated. Some experiencers are implanted with Artificial Intelligence torture-based mind-control technologies, tracking and monitoring tools. Zetas have advanced telepathic abilities and can also paralyse their target with technology. This is to prevent the subject from lashing out violently and harming the delicate-bodied Zetas. Some abductees report that they are taken when they enter the liminal space between waking and sleeping. They will feel the sensation of going out of body and fly through the wall, ceiling or front door to be taken onto a Zeta craft for experimentation. The Zetas have the ability to phase-shift through matter. They sometimes appear as semi-translucent in our realm and can move through supposedly solid objects with ease. They also are able to manipulate the mind. Sometimes all recollection of the abduction experience is removed from the subject. People may even wake up in another location, with different clothing, especially if they’ve been taken with other people.

The positive Zetas’ efforts are to analyse human emotions and neurochemistry, hoping to regain the capacity to feel. The genetic experiments blend Zeta and human DNA, producing hybrid children. Though many have perished before maturity in the Zetas’ cold care, surrogate human mothers now provide them warmth and love. At this current time, they are having greater success with the program and the hybrids are living much longer lifespans with nurturing maternal care. Unlike the negative faction, the human participants aren’t taken by force. Instead, they are willing volunteers dedicated to helping the Zetas gain back what was lost. Eventually, the process with be perfected and the race known as the Essassani (or Sassani) will be created – taking the best parts of the Zetas and humans and blending them together. The Sassani are a beautiful, highly intelligent, empathic species, the best of both worlds. 

The positive Zetas admit their isolation was an error. Emotions like curiosity are reawakening, driving their research. They want to prevent repeating past mistakes and learn about themselves through humanity. For us, the Zetas represent fear and unity; for them, we signify feeling and individuality. We mirror each other’s lacks and excesses. But working together, with compassion not fear, we further both species’ development. The Zetas thank humans for this partnership. Though emotions confound them, they recognise the poignancy of mothers bonding with hybrid children. And through Bashar, who channels the Sassani from the future, they extend appreciation to humanity.

Our races stand on the brink of an evolutionary leap. The unknown we fear also compels our growth. With understanding, even the trauma of abductions can transform into communion. As sciences converge, the boundaries between beings dissolve. The Zetas seek to hybridise not just genetics but souls, balancing their mental clarity with our emotional wisdom. For they and we are not separate but parts of one consciousness, coloured by different experience. Our shared destiny bids us take each other’s hands. Both human and Zeta must surrender the illusion of isolation and embrace the integration of spirit. Then we will harmonise our quantum dance through the cosmos.

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