Light Oracle

Three benevolent entities appear to illuminate your life. Allow them to grace you with their wisdom.

The cards are intended to be read – past, present and future, in that order. However, you can interpret them in any way that you choose.

Arcturian Profile

Arcturian Technician

Advanced technology build and maintenance. Responsible for the upkeep of starship components, the crystal warp drive and healing chambers. Adaptable and creative – the backbone of the civilisation as they venture into space. Invention leads to revelation. 

Technology | Invention | Backbone
06 Pleiadian

Pleiadian Security

Responsible for the safety of the crew using expert strategic knowledge. Skilled in sizing up emerging situations rapidly. Advanced reflexes and quick thinking used to avoid and neutralise hazards. Act decisively and with forethought.

Rapidly | Act | Decisively
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Lyran Mentor

Skilled in the warrior ways and mystic arts. Trains younger souls to embrace instinctual passion attenuated with spiritual temperance. A natural teacher and much beloved master within the community. Treat others with reverence and respect.

Temperance | Trains | Passion

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