There’s much left out of the modern spiritual doctrines. For good reason too because knowing the truth of the matter would likely scare the pants off most people. Fluffy bunnies, unicorns, love and light, all that jazz – that’s the comfort people crave. Now, I enjoy all of those things. Who doesn’t like fluffy bunnies eh? Well, when they’ve been hybridised with snake and bat DNA, they take on a whole new complexion. More like a furry flying killer gremlin than something that can be cuddled.
This is what’s happening in secret and, truth be told, it has been going on in the Universe for a very long time. Since the rediscovery of the DNA double helix structure in 1953, our mad scientific boffins have been playing around with it, pulling it apart, splicing it and recombining it to see what it can do.
Obviously, those in power hid this knowledge from us. Imagine the outrage at knowing that experiments have been conducted creating monstrosities straight from our worst nightmares. Imagine if these chimeric chthonic creatures escaped from their underground lairs. Panic would surely ensue. And most people would think that the time of tribulation was at hand.
Many advanced civilisations have mucked about with the code of life. For some, it’s their raison d’être. Planetary life-seeders playing at being little gods. Some are excellent at it and can create wondrous radiant beings that are delight to behold. Others, like the bumbling humans on this planet, suck at it. Devoid of ethical and moral frameworks, they chuck bits and pieces around without foresight or temperance.
As you can tell by the pictures, there’s no reasoning with a being filled with primal rage and malice. Of course, we can and do create more benign species that aren’t aggressive. However, many of these suffer painfully. It takes time and great skill to get the balance right. Sometimes even experienced planet-seeders make a bodge-job of it and unintended effects occur.
Just look at us, for example. Some say that we have been designed to be an intergalactic peace treaty. A merging of the DNA of warring factions into one coherent whole. Others suggest that we were created to be a slave race of the Annunaki – those from heaven that fell to Earth. They themselves being a hybrid genetically engineered species too. I’m not sure where I stand on those particular points, perhaps it’s both or neither, I like to keep an open mind on the subject. What I do know is that sometimes the creations outstrip the evolutionary potential of their creators. Sometimes, they go in the opposite direction being a devolved species with little room for growth. An evolutionary dead end.
Our ancient myths and legends are replete with examples: the minotaur, cockatrice, griffon, hippogriff, manticore, harpy, centaur, cynocephaly and sphinx. Did you really think that these were fictitious? Remember, back in the days of Atlantis, we had much more scientific knowledge than we do now. They were quite adept with the tools of creation. Our films, TV shows and books are our modern fables. It turns out that our mythologies contain more facts than our conventional understanding of history. It’s worth noting this the next time something fantastical is presented. Perhaps we can unearth the truth in the fantasy?
Of course, there’s a deliberate agenda to divert attention away from this. It’s better to keep approved socially-acceptable facts on one side and outlandish fiction on the other. That way, the mind can be steered completely towards mundane matters. Not that I dislike the mundane, by the way, there’s a lot to be said for the bliss of simplicity, the joy of being grounded.
Personally, most days I wish that I never opened my mental Pandora’s box. I could rest far easier knowing that there were no monsters lurking underneath my bed. It turns out that we were right about that all along. Our intuition in our childhood was clear and strong. We were shushed and hushed and told that everything was alright. But we knew that dread beasts came out at night.