Realm: Divine
Archetype: The Rebel
Zodiac: Gemini
Crystal: Chrysolite
Bathed in lunar light, a raven goddess pauses amidst primordial woods. Obsidian wings shimmer as she surveys her forest domain, an aura of autonomy and mystery surrounding this regal wild woman. She touches her womb-space gently, the source of creation, and lifts the hem of her midnight dress softly to avoid it catching on concealed snags. Her youthful appearance belies ancient wisdom. Her confidence arising from the realm of immortals.
A rebel spirit glows behind her thoughtful eyes, she bows only to the wind, her own counsel. By the sun’s harsh laws she abides not, preferring the cool counsel of night. Her cloak of feathers spans the realms, earthly flesh and celestial soul intertwined. She wears her power subtly in moonstone talisman and silver chain. One side of her nature soft, the other slicing decisively through all that would bind her sovereign spirit. Her mind keen as the razor beak, her vision carries far. Her flight forever undisturbed by buffeting winds.
She understands the hidden patterns and causal weavings beneath existence’s veil. How each choice ripples through the web, ever expanding, intersecting with other threads. In stillness, all complications resolve into elegant symmetries. Yet to grasp life’s intricate totality from within its weft remains beyond even her knowledge. Thus she appreciates each glimmering fragment, without demanding a perfect whole. For now we all see as if through tinted glass, our purview obscured by limited vision. But steadily growing.
In earthly forms she plays many roles, exploring infinite variety across aeons. As raven, she’s messenger between realms, bearing omens in beak and feather. As maiden, mother, crone she celebrates femininity’s phases, cyclical as the moon. All offer sublime teachings about the great mysteries. She bids you listen within to wisdom whispered in darkness. Glean what glows beneath the ashes of your silent reverie. Let intuition take wing to soar beyond rational horizons. See further than most will ever see. And return to share your gleanings.