The Question

Everyday Magic, Impish Enquiry, Playful Flirtation, Naked Intimacy, Dropping Defences, Question Answered.

Realm: Causal

Archetype: The Lover

Zodiac: Virgo

Crystal: Chrysoprase

A maiden stares, bloom brushing her chin as she ponders a riddle that has ever transfixed mortal hearts since first eyes looked up wishing upon stars. What timeless query occupies her thoughts? Does a secret smile behind a serious demeanour tease from knowing more than she lets on?

While she clearly requires proof, she yet hears angelic whispers through quantum foam, kissing ears attuned to hidden codes. She apprehends life’s everyday magic that cynics dismiss as projections upon banal backdrops. But for those with eyes to see, enchantment abounds.

Her soulful gaze bores through the superficial surface, reading omens in reflective pupils. By integrating intuition and reason, the unconscious speaks to the conscious to unveil a singular truth. She understands ephemeral movements convey deeper meanings once interpreted beyond knee-jerk reflex. Subtle motions reveal intentions.

Even the question her countenance poses only veils its true revelation. What seems like a query of another proves an invitation to self-inquiry. Do you love yourself enough to welcome the unvarnished entirety behind masks? Her playful mirth suggests she already embraces, without rejection, that raw vulnerable innocence exposed in love’s naked intimacy.

Yet she implies more: to love any deeply, we must nurture that tender fragility first within our own fearful hearts. Such courage lets the soul blaze through eye windows that another might finally behold and celebrate the beauty held secret behind defences. Feel divine affection flood the body’s tired bones. You are loved, you are lovely, you are light suffusing the starry void with quantum laughter. Even stars flirt through aching distances—winking their gentle game. In stillness, love responds to its own embodied vibration with no need to question.

So in her playful query comes a cosmic reminder—we dwell in relationship with all things. Spirit communing with spirit. Wonders unfold when we release the need to protect our light from imaginary darkness. Vulnerabilities draw beloveds near. What we hide from ourselves obscures the vision to unite self with lover, heaven with earth in continuous embrace. Dare we answer love’s mysterious gaze? In courage, we blossom to beauty supernal. Say your response now with full heart and without hesitation. “Yes! I love you.”

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