Transformation stone enhances spirituality, intuition, insight and dreams. Dispels self-limiting beliefs, fear, negative patterns and energy. Integrates physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Brings courage, generosity, forgiveness and service to others.
High vibrational angel stone aids contact with angels, spirit guides and higher realms. Creates joy, harmony, balance, inner peace and trust in the divine. Alleviates worry, fear and anxiety. Aids
Stabilising stone that aligns the subtle bodies. Boosts creativity, confidence and courage. Dispels apathy, motivates and revitalises. Promotes positive choices and release of sorrow. Aids presence and concentration during chaos.
Protective purification stone deflects EMF radiation and negative energy. Enhances practicality, tranquility, vitality, emotional stability, grounding and wisdom. Dispels fears and insecurities. Reveals patterns of dysfunction for release.
Protective grounding volcanic glass. Promotes clear thinking and insight into blockages and imbalances. Aids connection to spirit and the inner self. Deflects and absorbs negative energy and helps release what
Versatile crystal family, includes gemstones like Aquamarine and Emerald. Embodies cleansing energy, promoting clarity and courage. Associated with love, healing, and manifestation. Powerful tool for spiritual growth and emotional balance.
Green quartz opportunity stone enhances success potential, creativity and motivation. Brings calm, confidence, prosperity, and optimism. Comforts, balances and protects the heart. Promotes independence and emotional resilience.
Connects with the Earth. Fosters acceptance of change and flexibility. Boosts confidence and motivation. Grounds erratic energies, aids concentration and brings stability. Promotes patient pragmatism, practical reliability, and responsible accountability.
Blue-green variety of beryl with calm, soothing energies. Aids clear speach, brings inner peace and protects seafarers. Enhances courage, serenity, and focus. Stone of empowerment, sharpens intuition and helps us
Manifestation inspiration stone, fuels creativity and intellect. Expands knowledge, stimulates a hunger for wisdom and clears confusion. Fosters clarity in thought and expression. Instils motivation and personal power, spiritual attunement