Andromedan Archivist

Maintains the galactic history records in the living libraries of Light. Meticulous work requires precision accuracy. Crystalline storage devices serve as the method of transcription that can be linked to

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Andromedan Priestess

Weaves wondrous words to honour the Divine in all. Spells spoken in the ancient Language of Light to heal and activate. Heart-centred celebrant of the Infinite force. Teaches how to

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Lyran Royal

Regal ruler of the clan. Conducts affairs with intensity, courage, diplomacy and wisdom. Strict but fair in all dealings. Powerful, physically, mentally and spiritually. Paragon of the highest honourable standards.

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Lyran Mentor

Skilled in the warrior ways and mystic arts. Trains younger souls to embrace instinctual passion attenuated with spiritual temperance. A natural teacher and much beloved master within the community. Treat

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Lyran Mystic

Responsible for the spiritual welfare of the species. Traverses the inner realms to connect with members of the Confederation. Uses ritual magic to cleanse and heal. Breathes spirit fire into

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Lyran Warrior

Noble and fierce fighter with keen instincts and quick reflexes. Delights in the thrill of battle and the hunt but abides by a strict code of honour preventing profligate bloodlust.

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Pleiadian Commander

Leader and member of Galactic Councils dedicated to protecting peace and prosperity within the cosmos. Guides the collective with spiritual insight and empathic wisdom. A beacon of shining light and

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Pleiadian Analyst

Scientific and technical expert skilled in the use of advanced technology. Possessing the understanding of multiple disciplines including tachyon propulsion, astrometrics, exobiology and healing modalities. Study well to level up.

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Pleiadian Security

Responsible for the safety of the crew using expert strategic knowledge. Skilled in sizing up emerging situations rapidly. Advanced reflexes and quick thinking used to avoid and neutralise hazards. Act

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Pleiadian Navigator

Steering the fleet across cosmic vistas, into territories known and unknown. More than pilots alone, they understand spacial dynamics and technical and scientific principles. Razor-sharp intuition helps them to navigate

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