Sirian Leader

Extraordinarily gifted being that supports collective evolution. With enlightened leadership, she steers the direction of the species. Filled with benevolence and a strong sense of duty. The mission is to

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Sirian Professor

Teacher and guide, providing training in technical and spiritual matters. Leads advanced research and development projects. Continuously helps to advance the species forward for the highest good of all. Be

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Sirian Empath

Mystical mistress of magic, using her psychic and empathic abilities to support the cohesion of the species. Provides reception service to visitors from all over the cosmos – including humans

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Sirian Defender

Protector providing a physical, mental and psychic barricade against would-be aggressors. Responsible for negating threats in the most compassionate way possible. Also serves on exploratory missions as security. Defend those

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Arcturian Queen

Serves selflessly providing support and direction. Highly empathic, intuitive, psychic and wise, everything that she does comes from a place of love and unity. Works diligently and with enthusiasm, service

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Arcturian Seer

Traversing inner space realms, reaching out in friendship to other species telepathically. They learn from their connections and build a network of love and appreciation for the all that is.

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Arcturian Technician

Advanced technology build and maintenance. Responsible for the upkeep of starship components, the crystal warp drive and healing chambers. Adaptable and creative – the backbone of the civilisation as they

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Arcturian Scientist

Highly intelligent and kind-hearted. Conducts experiments with the highest ethical standards in mind. Responsible for multiple operations: starship navigation, analysis of phenomena and probing the mysteries of space. Seek out

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The original entitled rebel, filled with arrogant pride. Wanted to recreate the celestial realms in his image. Scapegoat for all of the evil in the world. Shapeshifting sum of all

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Archdemon of anger and wrath. Bloodthirsty rage-filled behemoth that provokes conflict between beings. Wars are fought in his name until exhaustion sets in. Sacrifices of pawns are offered up to

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