Sirian Rebel Marine

Forged in the fires of rebellion, marching with unwavering determination and single-minded focus. Embracing the call to arms, defending ideals with courage, navigating battles with swift and merciless efficiency. Hold

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Sirian Rebel Commander

A master tactician orchestrating rebellion with cunning strategy. War, subversion, chaos and fomenting dissent are the main objectives, infiltrating the highest echelons of power with ruthless intent. Be steadfast in

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Grey Scientist

Expert at genetic and mechanical engineering, the tall Grey is a leader of their civilisation. Acting together in concert with the hive, overseeing advancements needed to sustain their race. They

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Grey Medic

An unemotional healer from the stars skilled in advanced medical techniques. Performs operations on subjects without care or compassion. Extracts tissue, ovum and sperm for hybridisation projects. Focus on your

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Grey Drone

Cybernetic automaton operating with efficiency and detachment. Takes orders from the hive mind without question performing routine tasks. Find balance in productivity and steady progress. Conduct your work with diligence,

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Grey Scout

In the cosmic labyrinth, the Scout navigates with deft analytical precision. Its probing eyes delve into the unknown, seeking knowledge and scouting out targets. Embrace your inquisitive nature, explore the

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Reptilian Royal

Apex of the Reptilian hierarchy, commanding respect and authority. Highly intelligent and strong – with psychic prowess to manipulate hearts and minds. Harness regal energy, lead with wisdom, and navigate

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Reptilian Enforcer

A formidable presence stands sentinel, enforcing discipline and obedience with unwavering strength. It keeps order through threats and intimidation. Channel this power judiciously, asserting your influence without compromising integrity.

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Reptilian Dragon Moth

A majestic fusion of dragon and reptilian, this enigmatic creature embodies brutal malevolence and power. Its muscular physique and aggressive nature enforces domination and control over its underlings. Swoops swiftly

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Reptilian Runt

In the shadowy realms, the Runt slithers and hides, a small but tenacious force. Its survival depends on adaptability, cunning, and the art of concealment. It rises through the ranks

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