Ascended Master Cards


Merlin, venerated sage and seer, aided King Arthur. Some deem him myth, he truly existed. This mystical master magician can be summoned for guidance in meditation when magical works are

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Lady Portia

Lady Portia, mistress of justice, is venerated for championing equilibrium and the violet flame—a transcendent energy abetting the purgation of adverse forces. She epitomises divine righteousness and grace. Cleanse yourself

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Lao Tze

Lao Tze, venerated sage of Taoism, is the storied scribe of the Tao Te Ching’s mystical verses. His teachings extol living in harmony with the Tao, embracing simplicity, flowing with

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Sanat Kumara

Linked to the Golden Ray, Sanat Kumara, Guardian of Earth, fosters spiritual evolution. His guidance supports individuals to overcome challenges, transcend limitations, and create alignment with their soul’s divine purpose.

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Using the Golden Ray, he guides seekers to self-realisation and divine attunement. Revered for eternal youth, he inspires growth through the evolutionary power of divine love and higher consciousness alignment.

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Djwal Khul

Known fondly as the Tibetan. The Yellow Ray emits esoteric wisdom from his remote ashram. Disciples worldwide receive telepathic transmissions unveiling the science of soul transformation and the mysteries of

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Embodiment of wisdom, insight and intuition. Radiates the Yellow and Golden Rays from his retreat in Kashmir. His keen discernment guides inner sight growth, direct spiritual perception independent from the

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