Fallen Archangels are some of the big bads of the spiritual world. The most famous of these is Lucifer, a being that attempted to separate himself from the Infinite in rebellion, deciding to go his own way. He is an actual being and whilst not representative of the red, horny, cloven-hooved beast so familiar from Christian tropes, he is a master shapeshifter. He can appear as almost anything, being able to manifest in both spiritual and physical form. Often, he will appear to people as the sum of all their fears, the most grotesque object of terror to that individual. He is intensely negatively polarised, one of the most Service to Self beings in existence. Only the most horrifying of our human kind are likely to get a visit from him. However, in the higher realms, he actually appears to some of the Galactic Councils. This is usually to discuss terms of fragile peace agreements between the forces of light and darkness.

Other Archangels followed his call and serve at his behest in obedience. Some are charged with the responsibility of torturing souls for a period of time after incarnation. This process involves experiencing the harm that was committed through the eyes of the victim. It can be intensely painful but it is actually part of a rehabilitation process. “Hell” isn’t eternal, it certainly isn’t anything like the Christian vision, unless it is specifically chosen. Beings can choose to remain negatively-polarised for an infinite amount of time if they so wish. Being negative involves partaking from the picnic of pain. Ra describes it as follows in the Law of One: 

“I am Ra. We can speak only in metaphor. Some love the light. Some love the darkness. It is a matter of the unique and infinitely various Creator choosing and playing among its experiences as a child upon a picnic. Some enjoy the picnic and find the sun beautiful, the food delicious, the games refreshing, and glow with the joy of creation. Some find the night delicious, their picnic being pain, difficulty, sufferings of others, and the examination of the perversities of nature. These enjoy a different picnic. All these experiences are available. It is free will of each entity which chooses the form of play, the form of pleasure.”

Please don’t worry about Lucifer’s infernal rehabilitation centre. It’s doubtful that anyone reading this will ever be able to do anything that demands a stay there. It is reserved for only the most egregious offenders in the Universe. There are still plenty to go around, as the cosmos is teaming with life and dark force entities.

The way that a dark force entity goes about increasing its power is by subjugating and enslaving others. This can be in the form of temptation. Hooking in to an entity’s weakest point is the easiest way to gain influence. For example, an entity that is prone to anger will have a dark force being hooked into the Root Chakra that will persistently trigger feelings of rage in the afflicted target. Every time that anger is directed outward to another, the dark force being will grow in power and strength. That power is filtered up the chain of command to vast dark side collective intelligences. Also, the individual will be further polarised toward the negative path with each outburst.  The same is true of the Sacral Chakra where temptations of a sexual nature and addictions will be presented. Solar Plexus will result in domination and apathy mechanics. Heart is coldness, lack of compassion and empathy, the inability to give and receive love. Throat is misuse of speech, lies, corruption or inability to express oneself. Third eye will be delusions and illusions, inability to see the truth. Crown is distortions of Divine information, the recipient may believe that what they’re receiving is the truth but it is fact being fed by a negative being or collective. The latter often afflicts those with other distortions, especially the Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras, leading to the dissemination of incorrect information and the generation of false prophets.

Whilst the Fallen Archangels are less likely to target individuals directly – they prefer to send in the Demons or lower-ranked Fallen Angels to do most of the dirty work for them – they are more likely to be attached to those in positions of great power and influence. Much like the Archangels occasionally speak through vessels that are highly attuned to the positive polarity of Service to Others. However, it must be stressed that the vast majority of individuals have both positive and negative influences present. It is up to us with how we deal with it.

The Fallen Archangels and their legions are a sorry bunch, from one perspective. Their existence is pain and suffering, which is pleasure for them. They survive by causing it, by spreading it. They are enslaved by it. These entities have been prevalent on our planet for a long time – they are both the causative agents and symptoms our dark epoch. The tables are turning though, the light is rising and, as it does, the darkness is being seen with greater acuity. The reigns of power are being handed over now and we stand on the cusp of an Age of Light. In that light, we will see that that dark forces were catalysts for the growth of our souls, that we were never separate and that all is one.  

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