Three powerful Archangels, three benevolent Ascended Masters and three mighty Dragons greet you to share their wisdom. Allow the Archangels to provide comfort, encouragement and protection, the Ascended Masters to provide sage instruction and the Dragons to leave you in awe. They are intended to be read – past, present and future starting from left to right. A simple, yet effective, spread for easy reading.


Bristis – Storm

Bristis, riding on tempest’s squall, commands the elements of water and air. A weaver of thunderstorms, he brings the fury of wild weather. Rain lashes down and winds wail, cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes rage. We find peace in the eye.

Wild | Rage | Elements

Graunt – Earth

Dressed in a rugged mantle of earthen garb, Graunt epitomises stability and security. With a deep connection to the natural world, he harmonises with the land, offering a supportive and grounding presence that leads to new growth and abundance.

Natural | Supportive | Abundance

Euripedes – Water

Bathed in shimmering aquatic notes, Euripedes glides through liquid realms with serene grace. A creature of emotion and beauty, he controls tides, summoning tsunamis and tidal waves, returning the ocean to tranquility after swell’s tumult.

Serene | Emotion | Swells
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Haniel is associated with grace and joy. She uplifts and soothes with soft and gentle energy. Her symbol is a crescent moon, inspiring individuals to connect with the divine feminine and find balance within themselves and their relationships.

Faith | Emboldens | Tenacity
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Metatron serves as Teacher overseeing the Akashic Records, providing wisdom downloads. His energy is diamond white light from the Central Sun. He assists with Light Language, accessing the Lightbody, and exploring the spiritual realms.

Diamond | Lightbody | Teacher
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Jophiel, the Liberator, energises the Solar Plexus Chakra with a yellow ray. Advocating freedom from limitations, he prompts individuals to heed their soul’s desires, instilling courage to step beyond comfort zones and embrace transformative action.

Liberator | Desires | Freedom
Ascended Masters


Embodied archetype of healing, anchors the Emerald Green and Orange Rays in his etheric retreat over Crete. His verdant light gives wellness, revives the soul, and inspires seekers to hone holistic knowledge in service to all life. Prioritise self-care.

Holistic | Wellness | Revives
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Mary Magdalene

Devoted wife, Jesus’s teacher and Christos emanation. Emits the Rose Ray of pure adoration and spiritual surrender. Her mystical heart awakens divine communion through meditation in the inner sanctum of spirit’s light. Love with devotion.

Christos | Sanctum | Awakens
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Embodiment of wisdom, insight and intuition. Radiates the Yellow and Golden Rays from his retreat in Kashmir. His keen discernment guides inner sight growth, direct spiritual perception independent from the limited human senses. Go inward to expand.

Insight | Growth | Perception
03 Pagan – Hecate


The arcane goddess of sorcery and crossroads, wields mastery over occulted realms. She escorts souls, grasps the arcana of botanicals and poisons, and epitomises the transformative might of lunar enchantments. Weave your magic with abandon.

Occulted | Arcane | Crossroads


Chinese creator goddess shaped humanity from clay. With divine grace, she restored order after a catastrophic flood – mending the holes in the sky with colourful stones bringing balance back to the world. Get creative when catastrophe strikes.

Colourful | Creative | Catastrophe
04 Egypt - Horus


Sky god depicted as a falcon, battled Set to avenge his father Osiris’s murder, losing an eye in the ferocious fight. He embodied majesty, bravery, and just kingship. Horus offers protection under his great outstretched wings. Protect what’s important.

Ferocious | Embodied | Protection


Luminescent, magical, ephemeral – represents inspiration and inner light. With its radiant glow, it lights the way through the darkness, so we can find and share our unique brilliance. Even in the smallest actions, our light can profoundly impact the world.

Unique | Radiant | Impact


Stealthy stalker, prowling forests with lean power. You awaken our instincts, independence, and respect of wild spaces within ourselves. With silent footfalls, guide us to tread gently, live determined as a survivor, as you have for aeons untamed.

Silent | Stealthy | Survivor


Cunning, adaptable, and clever. With its ability to navigate diverse environments, it shows us how to be resourceful and adaptable. The fox encourages us to approach situations with intelligence, finding smart strategic solutions to problems.

Clever | Strategic | Approach
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