Three powerful Archangels, three benevolent Ascended Masters and three mighty Dragons greet you to share their wisdom. Allow the Archangels to provide comfort, encouragement and protection, the Ascended Masters to provide sage instruction and the Dragons to leave you in awe. They are intended to be read – past, present and future starting from left to right. A simple, yet effective, spread for easy reading.


Vinixis – Thunder

Ferocious sounds follow Vinixis as he weaves through the sky. Eating lightning, spewing thunder, harnessing power from pressure clash of weather fronts. Thunderous noises and flashes of electricity jar sleepers from their slumbers. Shock and awe.

Ferocious | Pressure | Shock

Aeragon – Solar

Resplendent with golden scales, Aeragon harnesses the power of the sun. An embodiment of life force, divine illumination, and creativity. He inspires vitality, empowerment, and radiant spiritual energy. With Aeragon as our guardian, we shine.

Golden | Sun | Shine

Parcenon – Healing

Draped in colours of restoration, Parcenon emits soothing energy. A benevolent healer, he restores balance and vitality, expressing the essence of rejuvenation that nurtures mind, body and soul back to health and wellness. Let the healing commence.

Soothing | Health | Restoration
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Sandalphon channels numinous heavenly energy into the Earth realm. He oversees the planet’s crystalline grid and Wheel of Karma. His energy is a golden colour and aids with grounding us into reality. He helps connect us to nature and planet Earth.

Grounding | Heavenly | Nature
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Kristiel is aiding humanity in anchoring Feminine frequencies within the Christ grid. Her role involves restoring the original template of peace, harmony and cooperative living on this realm ascending to the next density. A new paradigm of love awaits.

Restoring | Harmony | Template
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Zaphkiel, the Lover, oversees the Sacral Chakra with an orange ray, nurturing creativity, sexuality, and relationships. His divine guidance inspires individuals to embrace life with love, fostering a harmonious connection to the vibrant energies of the universe.

Nurturing | Lover | Embrace
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Serapis Bey

Guardian of the White Ray, assists aspirants in ascension rituals. Through the discipline and purity of his Order, based in Luxor, students prepare body, emotions and mind to hold the bright luminous light of divinity. Make diligent progress.

Diligent | Discipline | Ritual
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Lady Portia

Lady Portia, mistress of justice, is venerated for championing equilibrium and the violet flame—a transcendent energy abetting the purgation of adverse forces. She epitomises divine righteousness and grace. Cleanse yourself and feel refreshed.

Purgation | Energy | Cleanse
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Saint Germain

The alchemist of the sacred fire initiates adepts into the Violet Flame of transmutation and freedom. His violet light dissolves all that binds the soul, catalysing liberation into the infinite potentials of our divine destiny. Remove the chains.

Infinite | Liberation | Potentials
07 Greco-Roman Artemis Diana


Twin sister of Apollo, Goddess of the moon and the hunt, Artemis prowls the forests accompanied by wild beasts. She embodies nature’s purity and the thrill of the chase beneath lunar light. Take inspired action towards goals – hit the target.

Chase | Inspired | Goals
Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi

Lively Haitian Vodou lwa, resides in the spirit realm. Characterised by outrageous antics, filthy jokes, indulging in smoking and drinking, and pursuit of mortal women. Often seen at crossroads, he guides souls to the afterlife. Watch for overindulgence.

Outrageous | Filthy | Antics
03 Pagan – Hecate


The arcane goddess of sorcery and crossroads, wields mastery over occulted realms. She escorts souls, grasps the arcana of botanicals and poisons, and epitomises the transformative might of lunar enchantments. Weave your magic with abandon.

Occulted | Arcane | Crossroads


Loyal and loving Spirit Animal, embodies companionship and protection. With its unwavering loyalty, showing the importance of friendship and unconditional love. Guiding us to cultivate trust, express loyalty, and embrace genuine connection.

Loyal | Unwavering | Friendship


Soaring seabird, sneaky stealer of sandwiches, crying praise to winds and waves, exemplifying freedom’s spirit, persistence and resourcefulness. With tireless wings guide us over vast horizons, to surrender on faith’s updrafts when winds shift.

Sneaky | Soaring | Spirit


Blazing hunter, stripes merging with jungle shadows. Teach us confidence and trust in our instincts, to face darkness and chaos within. With bravery awaken primal passion, harness resilience, and live with integrity’s bold grace.

Blazing | Bold | Bravery
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