

Yes, dragons are real. Unfortunately, many have forgotten these great creatures considering  them to be the stuff of imagination. Well, whatever you can imagine is real, as are they. When the magician is ready, a dragon may present itself and not a moment before.

I was sitting under an oak tree, having a Light Language activation session, when Chronos appeared. He popped into my mind’s-eye clear as a bell. He’s mostly black with splashes of red, a fearsome and intimidating sight. Of course, I wasn’t afraid of him, not one bit. I was half-expecting some form of contact with these beings at some stage as my companion, Denise, talked about them regularly. It did come as a surprise though when he paid a visit.

“What do you want? Human”, he said telepathically in an impatient and jocular fashion, knowing full well that I didn’t want anything except the pleasure of his company. I wasn’t asking for a boon or a favour or any of his treasure, none would be given in any case. I simply smiled internally at his demand; I didn’t know that dragons had a sense of humour. “I have known you throughout all time”, he said. “I have been watching over you, silently, and now is the moment to make my presence felt”. I could feel his strength being added to my own. One does not merely possess a dragon, we have a symbiotic relationship with them. It is a soul-bond that goes beyond superficial matters.

To invoke the spirit of the dragon is to activate a powerful healing tool. They can be applied in a number of different ways, both on a personal and collective level. They are excellent for clearing stagnant energy from the energetic body and from physical locations around the planet. They inhabit the Ley lines that criss-cross the world and exist in a more rarefied dimension to our own.

There are many fables and legends surrounding them. In some, they are revered and honoured, and in others, they are cast as villains of the piece. The tale of Saint George, for example, depicts the dragon as a foul, venom-spewing beast that demands tribute from the local community in the form of human sacrifice. This action would never be countenanced by such a noble species. The slaying of this dragon is symbolic of the death of a particular type of magic from the world. It is a slander that has disconnected us from these potent protectors of light.

As we reconnect to these forces, we can call upon our dragons for assistance during meditation. They can assist us with visions, providing information from a higher perspective. They are extremely wise, loving and benevolent beings. Each has a particular speciality, and some represent a particular element. Fire dragons look after the spiritual realms and can be used for psychic protection and development, they evoke the passions and stir the power of will. Air is the domain of the mind and these dragons can remove negative thoughts and help to provide clarity and inspiration. Water dragons assist with the mastery of intuition and emotion, enabling compassion and empathy, fostering feelings of love and care. Earth is the physical domain and these can support grounding by getting us in touch with nature.

They aren’t limited to the standard elements though, and they can come in as many varieties as the mind can conceive. Chronos, for example, is an elemental aspect of time. He is here to assist my explorations with past, future and parallel lives. I have another working with me too, Euripides, a water dragon whose namesake was a Greek tragedian that penned the play “Medea”, which is a study of the mistreatment of a woman and of her ruthless revenge. It is apt that he would be assisting me with the emotional fallout from similar events. His job is important in transforming bitterness, resentment and regret into love.

Some healers will ask their dragons to attend during sessions. They may call them in along with their spirit guides and animals, ancestors, angels, and star family. In some visitations, they swoop in and target areas of the body in need of healing with their fiery breath. Not all have wings though, and some will swim, walk, run, float or simply pop into the mind. They are powerful spiritual allies and if you have already connected with them, you are blessed indeed. If you haven’t had the experience yet, quiet your mind in meditation, ask them to appear with an open heart and they will be present. Going within helps us to contact other planes of existence and, as we discover these realms, we become brighter. That’s what we’re here to celebrate, the dawning of a new age of rediscovery. We welcome our numinous guardians, the dragons, back into the human world but, in truth, they never left.

From the book From Darkness Into The Light by J.J. Flanagan

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