Sound Healing

In the beginning...

This is another modality where the practitioners are labelled as ‘cranks’ or ‘quacks’ by ‘scientific’ skeptics. I simply adore how ‘rational’ minded people are unable to grasp the straightforward concept that there is more to this Universe than meets the eye. I’m quite happy to label these people as irrationalists, as they haven’t got a clue what’s going on. So lost are they in their blinkered world-view that they fail to see the wood from the trees. I still Love them for it, however, as many will find out soon enough that their firmly held convictions are built on foundations of sand. When their ivory towers fall, they will be left gibbering incomprehensibly, rocking backwards and forwards when the Truth is finally revealed.

We will soon find out that sound can penetrate deep into the body. Cancer treatments are being developed using sound waves to blast diseased cells. This is a non-invasive treatment, meaning that there will be no more need for painful surgeries or the two most disgusting of cures: chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Introducing toxic substances into the body such as chemical drugs and radioactivity isn’t logical at all. Just think about it for minute. Are you really telling me that you believe that this is a cure? Now, I am biased. Please view me as such when reading this information. This disclosure of my bias is for your benefit, particularly if you are undergoing conventional Cancer treatment. If you feel that it is the right thing for you to do, then continue. It’s your body, your choice. Also, you need to believe that whatever course of action you take on your healing journey will work. Trust that it will. You will heal, believe it. The body is a remarkable thing.

It’s not only Cancer than can be treated using sound. We will find many uses for sound waves and also, music. Music really does soothe the soul and the savage beast. I am an avid listener of music, always have been, and some of my best moments in life have been accompanied by sound. In fact, I’d hazard a guess and say that 99.99% of my happiest and most memorable times have been set to a driving beat. Even now, as I write this book, I am sat with my headphones on listening to some banging melodic techno. It’s so beautiful: wistful emotional lyrics with exciting buildups and breakdowns, soaring arpeggios, a fat bassline and a skipping hi-hat. Pure joy! Now, this might not be your bag. People respond to music differently, that’s just the nature of the game. Get the right music for you though and oh, it’s magic. It can lift the mood in an instant or give you the emotional release that you’re looking for. It can also make you very pissed off if you chose the wrong track though.

We will soon ‘discover’ that sound waves when coupled with red light therapy will speed up wound healing. Go check out Star Trek The Next Generation and have a look at the device in Beverly Crusher’s hand. Type in “Star Trek Healing” into your favourite search engine and have a look at the images. Beverly crushes it! I simply adore her because within her hands she holds a prophetic key to future healthcare.

We all should know by now how music therapy is helping patients with Alzheimer’s? If you do not, then I suggest that you check out some of the videos showing how patients respond to music that they recognise. It’s a joy to see! Quite miraculous transformations occur when they are exposed to music. Memories are unlocked simply through the wonders of song.

The Ancients knew about the healing power of sound. We all do really, it’s just that we ignore it sometimes. Ignorance isn’t bliss in this case. Bliss comes from knowing that when you are listening to your favourite music, you are doing your body a service. This is why temples, churches, monuments, standing stone circles and pyramids are designed to create certain sonic effects. Acoustics are so important when it comes to music and buildings that are designed specially to accommodate this are perfect for concerts, gigs and nightclubs. The acoustics can really make or break an act though and a badly laid out room can make the music sound terrible, leaving the audience feeling rattled and depleted rather than energised.

Sound can also be used as a weapon. We already have devices available that can scare cats. Well, the same is true for humans and devices exist to royally fuck us up through sound. Imagine Rick Astley’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ on a loop for 24 hours. That is enough to drive you insane in the membrane. Teenagers have been using heavy metal to torture their parents for years. I know that I did. Discordant, distorted and loud sounds have the ability to seriously damage the body. Ultrasonics too can harm or heal. It’s precisely the same philosophy as Light therapy, frequencies can be life-supporting or life-destroying. This is the duality that we are living in.

There are also some popular alternative therapies using sound. Gong baths, crystal bowls, hang drums, chimes, bells, tuning forks, singing bowls and other rhythmic and melodic instruments which can be used to produce healing effects. I’ve had some pretty profound moments when going under in meditation to some of these. What I mean by that is, I’ve entered the Theta brainwave state, which is the region of deep meditation or dreams. It is wonderfully relaxing. We all know that stress is responsible for causing a lot of illnesses. Well, one of the solutions to reducing stress is using sound and these alternative therapies can really help with that.

In the beginning was the word. This means that sound was used to speak the Universe into existence or it was sung into being rather. This is a Universe after all. Just one verse. The multi-verse is the complete song, accompanied by a chorus of Angels. No wonder movement is so critical in this reality, everything moves, everything shakes, everything vibrates. Life is a dance! So, let’s boogie.

Music and sound inspires movement in our bodies, it gets energy moving. Energy gets stagnant when it is stuck in our systems and this, in turn, creates disease. When sound shakes our system it wakes it up or calms it down. This motion of energisation and relaxation is vital to our health. We were born to be in motion. This is why sedentary lifestyles are so damaging to us. We literally stew in our stuck emotions.

There is a lot of chatter about modern music being tuned to 440 hertz which creates a mind feel rather heart. I can certainly see that there is some credence to this, however, what I’ve observed is that it stimulates the production of DMT in the brain. When I’m out and about and listening to music, I have visionary experiences overlaid on my reality through the Third-eye region. I often see geometric shapes, patterns, colours, vistas of various varieties and glorious golden visions usually accompanied with rushes of energy. Tuning to 432 hertz is often touted as being a more harmonious and heart-centred tonal arrangement. I can certainly see the logic in this, as the current tuning has a tendency to whip up the mind rather than engender feelings of Love and oneness with  all that is. This doesn’t mean that 440 hertz is totally useless, far from it, we just need to work with what we have at the moment. I suspect though , as more analysis is performed, we will find  more musicians retune to provide a more expansive and harmonious sound.     

From the book 42: A Puppet Show For Angels by J.J. Flanagan

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