The Sirians, hailing from the Sirius star system, shine as spiritual beacons in the galactic community. Known for their deep wisdom, advanced healing arts, and technological prowess, these beings embody a harmonious blend of scientific and spiritual pursuits. Descendants from Sirius B are often seen as ethereal water beings, akin to Earth’s cetaceans, and they share a congenial kinship with these oceanic Earthly creatures. Sirians from Sirius A carry a more robust and physical countenance, projecting a more grounded and protective quality. The Canines exist in this sphere along with other anthropoids. There are several inhabitable planets in the system with many different types of humanoid and animal species. Some of the feline Lyrans fled to Sirius after their home-planets were destroyed or conquered. The lesser known Sirius C is in a higher octave and is home to the unicorns. Celebrated as teachers and way-showers, Sirians are dedicated to aiding humanity’s ascension and Earth’s evolution, infusing our journey with their characteristic vibrational light codes and assisting in the cultivation of our collective consciousness. Their influence weaves through Earth’s ancient civilisations, leaving a legacy of enlightenment and interstellar unity.
Astral travelling to the water planet on Sirius B is marvellous experience. One location that can be reached is a large crystalline city that acts as a meeting place for beings across the Universe. The water is of exceptional purity and has a rainbow consistency – it nourishes and heals those that imbibe its sweet nectar. The city has a giant crystal in the centre of the plaza that can be connected to telepathically. When doing so, it uploads information directly to us. These crystals are also present in other areas, in the gathering place for reflection and the grand library. The gathering place features an eight-pointed star symbol adorning its back wall. Known on our planet as the Octogram, Star of Ishtar, or Star of Venus, it symbolises the victory of Light over Darkness, representing knowledge prevailing over ignorance. The pursuit of knowledge is of great importance to the Sirians, as they are an explorative and expansionist species. They have a strong desire to connect with other cultures and share wisdom. They want to know other beings due to their natural inquisitiveness. They have strong links with the Arcturians and often collaborate on projects and missions with them. They aren’t quite as advanced as their benevolent cosmic cousins from the Bootes system. However, the Arcturians are constantly learning from their interactions with the Sirians. The adage is that when one teaches, two learn.
Beings that might be regarded as animals on our planet are held in high esteem by the Sirians. They’re not considered a lower form by the anthropoids. Some of those that take on animal-like forms are actually extremely highly evolved. It’s important not to judge a book by its cover. Having two arms and two legs isn’t an indicator of evolutionary advancement. Telepathy is common and therefore this becomes only too obvious when engaging in discourse with a winged being floating around the promenade. Appearances are deceiving and some of these entities are amongst the wisest in the Sirian collective.
Unfortunately, not all Sirians are benevolent. Whilst the society when viewed as a whole is positively polarised, there is a faction known as the Sirian Rebels. They strongly resist the teachings related to Service to Others, desiring freedom from its ethical constraints. These beings are generally in the negative polarity of Service to Self and are a minority. However, they are not necessarily evil, some of them have isolationist tendencies and simply want to be left alone to do as they please. Some are downright hostile though. We’ll focus on this in more detail in future articles. The Arcturians, by way of contrast, have even fewer negatively polarised beings within their collective. This is a necessity when advancing up the density scale. The higher, the fewer springs to mind. We humans here on Earth are largely in the negative polarity spectrum, as we are relatively young in comparison. We haven’t yet learned the lesson of what we do to others, we do to ourselves. Cruelty and unkindness is reflected back on us always, leading to disease and disfunction. It distorts in ways that aren’t clearly perceptible to the majority of our population. Love and kindness is the answer and this heals rather than harms. The Sirians are here to teach us this lesson. Ultimately, the Sirians are a collective of wonderful races to get to know. Whilst they may be diverse, from the Mer to the Canines, the other anthropoids and multitudes of different forms, they have a strong connection to one another. We can learn much from them as we begin to make our way out into the cosmos.