The Astrological Spread is complex and best suited for those with some astrology knowledge who want an in-depth reading. This twelve-card layout represents each zodiac sign, starting with Aries and going through Pisces.

Each position corresponds to an astrological house relating to a life area:

  • Aries – The Individual – One’s approach and mindset.
  • Taurus – Financial Situation – Money, possessions, practicalities.
  • Gemini – Communication – All forms of daily communication.
  • Cancer – Home – Family, emotional and physical home life.
  • Leo – Pleasure – Love, creativity, recreation, self-expression.
  • Virgo – Work and Health – Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health.
  • Libra – Relationships – Partnerships of all kinds.
  • Scorpio – Emotional Issue/Objective – Sex, death, inheritance, others’ money.
  • Sagittarius – Beliefs – Education, travel, dreams, ideals.
  • Capricorn – Career/Work – Drive, reputation, true calling.
  • Aquarius – Friends/Groups – Hopes, affiliations.
  • Pisces – Vulnerability – Fears, restrictions, hidden desires

For astrology enthusiasts, this spread integrates cosmic insight by aligning the cards with zodiac wisdom. The layered interpretations provide a rich and fascinating reading experience.




Emotional Storms, Endurance, Divine Friendship, Catharsis, Consolation, Expansion Through Loss.
Maturity, Achievement, Defying Expectations, Personal Responsibility, Unlocking Memories.
Sanctuary, Safety, Security, Belonging, Environment, Organisation.




Honing Skills, Creative Vision, Divine Inspiration, Dedication, Discipline Enables Mastery, Practice.
Concentration, Equilibrium, Mastery, Transcendence, Introspection, Meditation.
Get Wild, Arousal, Vital Energy, Living Fully, Inner Flame, Shine.




Protection, Devotion, Respect, Contentment, Awakened Heart, Awesome Power.
Overcoming Challenges, Trials, Adversity As Teacher, Perseverance, Stoicism, Become Impervious To Insults.
Adventure, Self-Expression, Spontaneity, Uncharted Territory, Wildness, Freedom.




Concentration, Equilibrium, Mastery, Transcendence, Introspection, Meditation.
Unify Spirit & Matter, Graceful Insight, Empathy’s Compassion, Indwelling Laughter, Give & Receive Love, Glow.
Focus, Information Downloads, Synthesis, Peak Experiences, Intuitive Nudges, Clarity.
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