Archangels Oracle

Three powerful Archangels greet you to share their benevolent wisdom. Allow them to provide comfort, encouragement and protection.

The cards are intended to be read – past, present and future, in that order. However, you can interpret them in any way that you choose.

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Ramiel, signifying “God’s Thunder”, is a paramount guardian for souls seeking belief amid desolation’s abyss. His consoling essence emboldens devotees, kindling optimism, faith in a positive outcome, and tenacity against adversity.

Faith | Emboldens | Tenacity
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As the Mercy of God, Jeremiel epitomises benevolence, guiding redemption and spiritual growth. Unwavering ally to those seeking positive change, he promotes absolution and evolution, so we can live life nobly with merciful leniency. Forgiveness frees.

Nobly | Guiding | Evolution
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Sariel, “God is my Ruler”, tasked with providing guidance and revelations. Gives insight and clarity and plays a key role in leading spiritual seekers to the information they are looking for. Knock and the door will be opened. Seek and you shall find.

Insight | Leading | Revelations

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